Monday 26 December 2016

Reiki full course...learn from

Reiki is Healing , which can be used along with other therapies.. Reiki healing helps in Increasing Immunity. Stress causes block in Energy flow. Conflicting thoughts and feeling of hurt get lodged in Chakras of body and subtle energy layers known as Aura.Any worry, Tension , Phobias, Anger, Depression, Anxiety can block body energy flow. This causes decrease immunity and regenerating power of tissues and body systems.Body ache, Head ache, Diabetes, Hypertension, Digestive disorders, Skin problems are due to block in energy flow..
Doing Reiki healing, our Meridians and Chakra gets clean and cleared, and provides flow of life energy- Prana. This allow to nourish energy and physical body and healing takes place
Learn Reiki at....
Energy healing guidance with

REIKI, PATIALA, PUNJAB...09872880634

Today young generation is very focused, hard working and gets many opertunities.
But they are  always worried about their future.They earn well, enjoy materialistic things and good life,but lives in a fear of down fall in profession.This thought dominates in mind and they stop enjoying what they have at present.Feeling of frustation,difficult sleep, more smoking, more alcohol, tiredness, fights at home, headach, body pains, forgetfullness, decrease hunger, increase weight are some commen symptoms associated with future phobia.
Reiki healing helps to clean aura and cytoplasma of cells in our body.Energy healing removes emotional pollution around body and mind.
ADV :  1.Take help of reiki healing and esoteric healing, personally 
               or by distant healing.
            2.Be enthusiastic and smile more. This will send positive 
               vibration around you.

Saturday 24 December 2016

LEARN HEALING FOR FORGIVENESS....Amazing healings in Patiala

Learn Forgiveness Healing....Reiki healing and Teaching Center in Patiala, Punjab, India....09872880634

 If you attune yourself to the calm around you, worldly distractions will be minimized & the unadulterated flow of your consciousness will reestablish itself in the forefront of your mind. The needs of the body, the heart & the soul will then be revealed to you, empowering you to tap into the essential healing energy of the universe. 

Sunday 18 December 2016

Learn Reiki healing from us ..9872880634


What is Ego?

The ego is our sense of self. Our boundaries; a feeling of being me. Ego gives us definition in the 3-dimensional world:
”This is my body. This is my mind. This is me. These are my preferences, my limits – my, me, mine.”
Ego is a necessary component of human life. It informs us of our choices in the world.
Our beliefs, feelings, emotions & thoughts create our current & future realities so if you believe you need the ego to remain within your being to protect you, then that is a very valid belief that will continue to serve your soul’s learning process. However, just because we believe something to be true for us does not mean it is the highest truth for our evolution. At this time on the Earth we are in a very intense period of transformation where we are releasing old distorted beliefs & energies that once served our highest good & we are replacing them with new more evolved beliefs that will help us expand our consciousness so we can move forward.

Positive Ego

To have definition in this 3-dimensional world, we need our ego, right? But what choices do we make with this ego of ours? And how do we train ourselves to redefine our ego boundaries, as we expand as humans?
Usually our sense of self is a sensation in the upper stomach; the solar plexus.
This is the point of the inner sun that, when in balance, gives us a feeling of empowerment & joy in our lives. It gives us power to act and keeps us feeling independent & strong. It radiates warmth out into the rest of the body. It makes us value our uniqueness & when properly tended to & channeled, prepares us for greater service to others as the ego-energy is funneled up into the heart center. This is positive ego.

Negative Ego

Ego is by definition limiting.
Its function is to keep us safe, to contain us. Its understanding doesn’t reach beyond the material world. The ego understands only that which it can grasp; “I am safe because I have a house, money, food in the fridge” is typical ego reasoning.
Putting security in that which can be seen is what the ego does. Either or – thinking is typical of the ego as well. It thrives on comparison.”Why does he get that & I don’t?” is a familiar tune from the ego music library.
For the ego it might be hard to understand that if I am a child of the Universe, that by being special, nothing is being taken away from anyone.
If you feel yourself to have a big ego & you’ve been beating yourself up about it – you can stop now.
Lots of ego energy just means lots of energy potential to be channeled into your heart, to be used for compassion, service & healing. This can be done through working with selfless service (Nothing refines your ego like putting your own needs aside!), meditation, yoga, or other spiritual practices.
If you’ve been repressing your ego, you can stop it now.
Let yourself feel your stomach area. Strengthen your abdominal muscles. Do an intestinal cleanse. You might have some shame issues or anger issues to work through as you allow your sense of self to awaken. Let yourself discover your uniqueness. And from that point, start your expansion into recognizing the miracle within all.


Anger takes its toll. In many ways, it looks like a heightened stress response. It increases our blood pressure & heart rate and cellular inflammatory processes and when it happens too frequently it leads to an increased chance of heart disease.

Monday 3 October 2016

Living in this world are the ones whose śārīra, lives in the body of the soul to get him on the living. Because the base of the body. The soul through the mind body and soul in the navigator. Life is pure energy. External life from sun raśmiyōṁ is verging pran. Second Ādhyatmika body jaṭharāgnī life by arising from the water. Body and soul in one body is different, but in places because of this purpose is divided in five parts over a name is given, such as: Life, vyāna apāna, udāna. When an animal doesn't kill, makes the body alive nāṛiyōṁ dying in speed towards the bottom is when praśvāsa us all? So in grief over nāṛiyōṁ towards the movement. Most of us to top speed. Our Body's heart in a minute so all nāṛiyāṁ body-wide. One of them head nāṛī nāṛī ārthāta brahmarandhra towards the leave side. In this life, "Air" udāna situated as. Udāna At appears. When the body becomes extinct faster then tt udāna air seems to be dead. Then you look towards the good. So in my mind, bāṇī mind, life in the fast life, fast into the soul becomes . and body dies but the spirit is, because he is apariṇāmī are Sundays. Pranayama in the body of knowledge of the soul is the body that provides stability. Pranayama Udāna of air from the knowledge which is reflected in the body and bāṇī fast. But the fear is strong. Eliminate the strong at the end of tt udāna air seems to be the person. Thus the disease and died. Conclusion: ******** 1. Pranayama in complement than to be more rēcaka dīrdha cāhiya । 2. Fear-free life. Jiyēṁ

Life is Souls dwelling...Go on beautifying it

Sunday 17 July 2016

Heart Chakra The heart chakra is the middle chakra in a system of seven. It is related to love and is the integrator of opposites in the psyche, mind and body and male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity. A healthy fourth chakra allows us to love deeply, feel compassion, and have a deep sense of peace and centeredness. Sanskrit Name: Anahata Meaning: Unhurt, Unstuck Location: center of chest Body Parts: heart, lungs, pericardium, arms, hands Glands: thymus Function: love, relationships Element: Air Color: green Balanced Characteristics: compassionate, loving, empathetic, self-loving, peaceful, balanced, forgiving Deficiency: antisocial, withdrawn, critical, judgmental, intolerant of self and others, loneliness, isolation, depression, fear of intimacy, fear of relationships, lack of empathy Physical Malfunctions: disorders of the heart, lungs, thymus, breasts, arms, circulation problems, asthma, immune system deficiency, high blood pressure, tension between shoulder blades, chest pains. Excess: co-dependency, jealousy, clingy, demanding, poor boundaries, overly sacrificing Healing strategy: breath work, psychotherapy for relationship issues, grief Key words: expansive, freedom, spacious, open, love, peace, breath, balance, relationship, gentle, healing, soft, unity Affirmations: I unconditionally love of myself and others There is an infinite supply of love in the world I am love

Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi

Take care of your Back... Never twist around to pick something.Stand up and turn and then pick it up.Your back does not have any springs.In tense situations , spare a thought for your back, check your posture.A hunched posture and tense muscles at the nap of neck is sure to finally lead to aches and pains.So relax.Take a break , don't break your back...

Monday 11 July 2016

Reiki Teacher Patiala , Punjab....09872880634

dr.vandana raghuvanshi
The Chakras
The word chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or disk and signifies one of seven basic energy centers in the body. Each of these centers correlates to major nerve ganglia branching forth from the spinal column. In addition the chakras also correlate to levels of consciousness, archetypal elements, developmental stages of life, colors, sounds, body functions and much more.
A chakra is a spinning vortex of energy. A human being’s energy field is complex and multi-layered and includes subtle energies which western science has only recently begun to detect. Chakras are the energetic gateways through which our various subtle energies interflow. Like electricity, chakras are invisible to the naked eye. Every human being has 7 major chakras and many hundreds of minor ones. Together they are the network through which mind, body and spirit interact as one holistic system.
Each chakra represents an aspect of consciousness vital to our lives. The ideal state is where the chakras are balanced.

Thursday 30 June 2016

Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi...Reiki teacher Patiala

We all know a Smile is free...Like the Sunshine and the walk through your Soul journey with Smile....

Sunday 19 June 2016

Reiki classes , India

May there always be work for your hands to do,
May your purse always holds money for you,
May sun always shine on your windowpane,
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain,
May the hand of a friend always be near you,
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you...

Monday 23 May 2016


It is through our connection to the light that we know things beyond what the visible world can tell us, and we see things beyond what the physical world reveals. In order to access this wisdom, we can simply allow ourselves to remember that we are not limited, we are filled with divine grace & power that is ours for the asking. A daily practice of tuning into this vast potential, conversing with it, can create bliss in life.

Monday 25 April 2016


Workshop reiki level one....24  april 2016 [sunday] 
address...Energy healing guidance with divine light, sco 365 ff, sec 44-d, chandigarh, time..10.30am to 5.30 pm
for more information...9872880634

Thursday 21 April 2016

Tuesday 5 April 2016


Arthritis and Role of Reiki Healing

Arthritis is inflammatory pain of joints.
Food which helps to cure:
*  Fish and food high in Omega III fatty acids
*  Leafy green, capsicum, broccoli- food rich in anti-oxidants
*  Pomegranate- act directly on cartilage, helps to prevent pains
*  Pineapple- it contains Brome lain, good to control inflammation
*  Turmeric, ginger, cloves- acts as an inflammatory for joints
*  Onions, berries- help to prevent

Role of Reiki:   helps to heal joints
·       Do daily Aura cleansing for painful joints
·       Do daily Chakra healing for Root Chakra

·       Do once a week whole body reiki and chakra healing to keep your bone and joint healthy

Sunday 14 February 2016

#Reiki #teaching #Patiala...#09872880634

Love is Divine energy, Love heals, Love is blessing , Love is Bliss, Love is unconditional.....

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Reiki Teaching India

Read somewhere, like to share....
To use your mind effectively, you must learn to concentrate & the route to concentration is through paying attention. The following exercise, adapted from the writings of William Walker Atkinson, is very powerful in learning how to pay attention. Take a simple object with which you are familiar & give it your full attention for a few minutes. Study the object & endeavor to see as many details as possible in it. Take a break & then come back to the object & this time look for new details that you missed. Carry on repeating this process until you have discovered everything about the object. Do not fool yourself into thinking you have seen all the details at once. Rather, will yourself to discover more.
Do this exercise every day for one month, using simple objects at first & then more complex ones, until you can find all the details in the most complex of objects. This exercise strengthens your power of observation, heightens your ability to pay attention & develops your ability to concentrate to such a degree that you scarcely need any conscious effort to do so. And when you master concentration in this way, you become a master of mental influence, for you will be able to focus all your Life Force & energy exclusively on anything you choose to, at will & with little effort.

Saturday 16 January 2016

Reiki Healing Chandigarh...09872880634

Read somewhere , like to share....
ॠषि-मुनियों ने मनुष्‍य के शरीर में सात शक्ति-केंद्रों की उपस्थिति बताई है। इन शक्ति-केंद्रों से इन्‍द्रधनुषी सात रंग निकलते हैं। जो मनुष्‍य के शरीर पर एक दिव्‍य आभा-मण्‍डल का निर्माण करते हैं। इस आभा-मण्‍डल को देख मनुष्‍य की भौतिक व मानसिक स्थिति का सही ज्ञान प्राप्‍त कियका जा सकता है। आभा-मण्‍डल के रंगों को देख मानव-शरीर में निकट भविष्‍य में होने वाले विभिन्‍न रोगों का काफी समय पहले पता लगाया जा सकता है। किरलियन फोटोग्राफी द्वारा आज आभा-मण्‍डल का चित्र लेना सम्‍भव हो गया है। इस तकनीक द्वारा रोग के साथ-साथ मनुष्‍य की भौतिक बुराइयों का भी उपचार संभव है।