Monday 26 December 2016

Reiki full course...learn from

Reiki is Healing , which can be used along with other therapies.. Reiki healing helps in Increasing Immunity. Stress causes block in Energy flow. Conflicting thoughts and feeling of hurt get lodged in Chakras of body and subtle energy layers known as Aura.Any worry, Tension , Phobias, Anger, Depression, Anxiety can block body energy flow. This causes decrease immunity and regenerating power of tissues and body systems.Body ache, Head ache, Diabetes, Hypertension, Digestive disorders, Skin problems are due to block in energy flow..
Doing Reiki healing, our Meridians and Chakra gets clean and cleared, and provides flow of life energy- Prana. This allow to nourish energy and physical body and healing takes place
Learn Reiki at....
Energy healing guidance with