Saturday 30 November 2013

Reiki Healing and its uses...Reiki Grand Masters in Patiala, India...09872880634

*For  self  healing.
*To heal your family.
*to heal elderly for health , in your family.
*To heal your near / dear  living away ,in othercity, other country.
*To heal stranger in accident.
*Send Reiki to future..Event
*To your bank account.
*To  fulfill  your wishes.
*For goal achievement.
*Finding lost wallet.
*To computer, vehicle, home, office, pets ,plants, food, water.
*T o charge medicine , jewellary  with good energy.
*To your job interview, exams.
*To bring harmony in home and work place.
*To clean , heal protect  your body and mind.
*For  financial  successes.
*To  creat  good / bright future.
*To get   abundance from universe.
*To live happy and  healthy  forever.
 *To your garden and plants... 
Reiki can be used in many of  gardening activities :
 Reiki your seeds  before planting them. Reiki your  soil. Reiki your plants regularly to help them grow. 
 Reiki the water before watering your plants. When you sit  by  your house plants,
 think of them and send them Reiki. This will provide a way for you to actually feel their energy .
*TO HEAL your home...
.Reiki  to clear negative energy from the rooms of  home and fill up with positive  energy. To do this, enter the room you wish to heal, use the power symbol if you have it and send Reiki into the corners and middle of the room, as well as the walls ceiling and floor. This will make a  difference in how you feel being in the room. It will be with positive  and healthier, and more inviting. You’ll be able to relax very easily.
* Use of Reiki in Cooking.....
Reiki can be used in cooking.. While cooking give Reiki and intend that Reiki is flowing from your hand down the spoon and into the food you are cooking.. Think of Reiki and allow Reiki to flow into the ingredients. This will add extra life energy to the food and increase the enjoyment for those who eat it. When dinning, remember to give Reiki to your food before you eat it. This will  prepare your stomach and digestive system to receive the food, improving digestion and increasing the absorption of nutrients.
 The quality of our relationships is directly related to our health. The healthier our relationships, the healthier we become.  Reiki is an excellent tool for this. If you have friends or family members you’d like to be closer to, send them Reiki using the distant symbol and add the mental/emotional symbol. This will strengthen the positive energies that flow between you and your friends or family members and create a more trusting, harmony ,acceptance between you and them. . Remember that while you’re sending Reiki to someone else, the Reiki will be treating you too, so using Reiki in this way is doubly beneficial!
*Fertility and Delivery time..
In infertility problems ... use Reiki to increase the fertility and to conceive. This is most effectively done when both the husband and wife have Reiki and give each other Reiki everyday during the conception process.  Once conception takes place, Reiki can be used throughout the pregnancy to add to the health and well-being of mother and child and especially to create a wonderful feeling of love  for the unborn baby. During the childbirth  Reiki  will reduce  pain, help all the physiological process work more easily and add additional energy that will help the mother give birth.
*Sports  Injuries....
Sprains and sore or pulled muscles respond quickly to Reiki when Reiki is applied immediately. 
*Parking Spaces.....
Say a prayer and send Reiki ahead to the parking lot you’ll be going to asking that a parking spot will be available in a convenient location. Reiki has an amazing way of guiding you and others to frequently make this happen. Reiki also takes the stress out of the process helping you feel more calm and relaxed.