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Sunday, 31 May 2015
Arthritis is inflammatory pain of joints. Food which helps to cure: Fish and food high in Omega III fatty acids Leafy green, capsicum, broccoli- food rich in anti-oxidants Pomegranate- act directly on cartilage, helps to prevent pains Pineapple- it contains Brome lain, good to control inflammation Turmeric, ginger, cloves- acts as an inflammatory for joints Onions, berries- help to prevent. Aloe vera ..ten to tweny ml per day.. Role of Healing: Energy healing helps to heal joints • Do daily Aura cleansing for painful joints • Do daily Chakra healing for Root Chakra • Do daily sukshm vyayam for each joint. .Daily light walk is adviced.
पूरे योगदर्शन को यदि अति संक्षिप्त में वर्गीकरण करें तो तीन भागों में विभक्त कर सकते हैं : 1. चित्तवृति निरोध 2. स्वरूपस्थिति 3. ईश्वर प्रणिधान जो सर्वोच्च स्थिति है ,जैसा की आपने लिखा है कि जब प्रभु का भाव हमेशां ही मन में रहेगा तो वहाँ चिंता का कोई स्थान ही नहीं बचता,इसे ही ईश्वर प्रणिधान कहा है ,और यही भक्ति की पराकाष्ठ है । वैसे भी यदि प्रभु भाव मन में नहीं होगा तो चिंता का भाव भी अवश्य रहता है और चिंता चिता के सामान होती है जिसके अनेक दुष्परिणाम हैं
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Below are some herbs and spices you can consider including in your diet:, ia you are a Diabetic....
1. Cinammon - This herb has been found to have 18 percent phenol content in dry weight. For type-2 diabetics or those who suffer from insulin resistance, studies have shown that improved insulin sensitivity and blood glucose control can be had for as little as ?teaspoon per day. Improved insulin resistance helps in weight control and lessens the risk of heart disease.
2. Cloves - This herb contains 30 percent levels of the antioxidant phenol in dry weight. It also contains the antioxidants anthocyanins and quercetin. This herb has antiseptic as well as germicidal properties. It also offers anti-inflammatory, analgesic and digestive health benefits. Clove oil can be used to for something as uncomplicated as toothaches, headaches, cough and even indigestion.
3. Oregano - This herb is popularly found in Spanish and Mediterranean cooking and is sometimes known as marjoram. It adds depth and flavor to any dish and goes well with tomatoes, eggplant and meat. It has been thought to treat bacteria and parasitic infection and its oil has been used to treat head lice. In a recent study, oregano was found to treat giardia - an infection of the intestines brought about by microscopic parasites - effectively. Herbalists even recommend it as a treatment for E-coli.
4. Sage - This herb contains phytosterols reputed to have a cooling action. Herbal medicine practitioners use it to treat uterine bleeding and cramps. A German study on this herb shows that diabetics who drank infusions of sage on an empty stomach reduced their blood sugar levels. It is popularly used to flavor soup dishes and can even be drunk as tea.
5. Garlic - Garlic contains sulfur compounds - specifically hydrogen sulfide gas - which dilate blood vessels. It is this effect that reduces blood pressure. This same compounds help in the metabolism of iron and protect against oxidative damage and even high cholesterol. Garlic can be found in different types of vegetable and meat recipes and adds a characteristic flavor in soups and sauces.
6 Other than these...Jamun, karela, bhindi, aloe vera , kali zeeri, methi dana also helps in diabetes.
1. Cinammon - This herb has been found to have 18 percent phenol content in dry weight. For type-2 diabetics or those who suffer from insulin resistance, studies have shown that improved insulin sensitivity and blood glucose control can be had for as little as ?teaspoon per day. Improved insulin resistance helps in weight control and lessens the risk of heart disease.
2. Cloves - This herb contains 30 percent levels of the antioxidant phenol in dry weight. It also contains the antioxidants anthocyanins and quercetin. This herb has antiseptic as well as germicidal properties. It also offers anti-inflammatory, analgesic and digestive health benefits. Clove oil can be used to for something as uncomplicated as toothaches, headaches, cough and even indigestion.
3. Oregano - This herb is popularly found in Spanish and Mediterranean cooking and is sometimes known as marjoram. It adds depth and flavor to any dish and goes well with tomatoes, eggplant and meat. It has been thought to treat bacteria and parasitic infection and its oil has been used to treat head lice. In a recent study, oregano was found to treat giardia - an infection of the intestines brought about by microscopic parasites - effectively. Herbalists even recommend it as a treatment for E-coli.
4. Sage - This herb contains phytosterols reputed to have a cooling action. Herbal medicine practitioners use it to treat uterine bleeding and cramps. A German study on this herb shows that diabetics who drank infusions of sage on an empty stomach reduced their blood sugar levels. It is popularly used to flavor soup dishes and can even be drunk as tea.
5. Garlic - Garlic contains sulfur compounds - specifically hydrogen sulfide gas - which dilate blood vessels. It is this effect that reduces blood pressure. This same compounds help in the metabolism of iron and protect against oxidative damage and even high cholesterol. Garlic can be found in different types of vegetable and meat recipes and adds a characteristic flavor in soups and sauces.
6 Other than these...Jamun, karela, bhindi, aloe vera , kali zeeri, methi dana also helps in diabetes.
High Blood Pressure and Role of diet... Hypertension is a silent killer. It creeps up with very few warning-age, stress, and diet all conspire to raise blood pressure. By making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle you can have a healthy heart. Hypertension is a major risk factor for stroke, heart attacks, blindness and kidney failure. Food which helps to cure:...... food rich in potassium Vegetables and fruits Soy foods, nuts, seeds, low fat dairy food-,food rich in magnesium and calcium Omega III fatty acids rich food .To increase the amounts of natural potassium, magnesium, Omega and fiber you take in, select from the following:....... apples apricots bananas beet greens broccoli carrots collards green beans dates grapes green peas kale lima beans mangoes melons oranges peaches pineapples potatoes raisins spinach squash strawberries sweet potatoes tangerines tomatoes tuna yogurt (fat free] AVOID .... sodium ...must be reduced to minimal in your diet alcohol and smoking fast foods And caffeinated drinks. Other Tips... Clean your Solar Plexus and Heart Chakra daily, if you know energy healing. Daily walk for one hour is must. Develop a hobby to feel happiness within to heal your heart. Aviod sudden anger, outbursts of emotion , if you are a hypertensive patient. Meditate daily , it helps a lot . Reguler visit to a cardiologist is must.
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
क्रोधा्द्भावति सम्मोह: सम्मोहात्स्म्रुतिविभ्र्म: । स्मृतिभ्रंशाद् बुद्धिनाशो बुद्धिनाशात्प्रणश्यति ।। श्रीमद, भागवत् गीता अध्याय -2 श्लोक सं -63 , अर्थात् क्रोध से अत्यंत मूढ़ भाव उत्पन्न हो जाता है, मूढ़ भाव से स्मृति में भ्रम हो जाता है, स्मृति भ्रम हो जाने से बुद्धि अर्थात् ज्ञानशक्ति का नाश हो जाता है और बुद्धि का नाश हो जाने से यह पुरुष अपनी स्थिति से गिर जाता है । लगता है डॉ वंदना जी आप आधुनिक तरीके से हम लोगों को गीता के मार्ग पर चलने की प्रेरणा दे रही है ।आपने बड़े ही सुन्दर ढंग से गीता के इस सारांश को नवीनता का रूप दिया है ।साधुबाद आपको ,सद्,मार्ग की ओर संकेत देने के लिए ।.....by Prof. surendra nath panch ji
Monday, 18 May 2015
Sunday, 17 May 2015
LEARN DOUSING ...09872880634
Sweat and Tears...
Both sweat and tears are wet and salty, but they render a different result. Tears will get you only sympathy but Sweat will get you change...
Both sweat and tears are wet and salty, but they render a different result. Tears will get you only sympathy but Sweat will get you change...
Friday, 15 May 2015
Monday, 11 May 2015
Friday, 8 May 2015
Thursday, 7 May 2015
Friday, 1 May 2015
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