Wednesday 17 April 2019

'Happiness is a journey, not a destination'

'Happiness is a journey, not a destination'. One’s individuality sets one apart from others based on values. The interpersonal conflicts are best avoided by moving beyond comparisons & accepting the differences. Blaming others, hanging on to resentments, holding someone or something responsible for own feelings erodes one’s peace of mind leaving little energy to devote to personal development.

Take a few moments to reflect on how another person makes you feel. Our well-being is generally influenced by those around us. Be honest with self about own feelings, have greater insight into the quality of social interactions & their energetic effect. Some of the people we deal with are a joy to be with & their loving presence nurtures & encourages us. Others may have the opposite effect, draining us of our energy thus sapping our strength and making us feel tired & exhausted.

In fact the kind of thoughts one harbors significantly affects relationships with others. One fuming with hatred or bitter with cynicism drives others away from himself/herself whereas one bursting with affection & bubbling with optimism draws others near to himself/herself. One’s disinterest lets the other person withdraw his/her own interest in you and even turn disdainful of you whereas exhibiting  keen interest flatters the other person as everybody enjoys being admired, regardless of whom the admirer is. The sympathetic frame of mind towards the other person instantly makes him/her feel that there is a common bond and helps in developing a healthy relationship.

Surround yourselves with positive people in order to clear away the negativity that exists around and envelope yourself in a supportive & healing space that fosters greater growth, understanding & love of yourselves in order to infuse your lives with greater happiness. We experience peace when we are in a state of mental calm and serenity. Consciously set aside your worries, as the clutter of your thoughts & concerns clear away, you will start to feel more calm & serene. Cultivate inner peace; you have the power to free yourself from anxiety simply by deciding to do so. 

Laughter brings with it a host of positive effects that operate on both the physical & mental levels. Laughing involves the body, emotions & the soul. It is also fun, expressive, & a way to release minor physical & mental stresses. Learn to laugh in the present moment, it shall make life seem less serious and you’ll find that joy is always there.