Monday 29 April 2019

Colour therapy


Chakras reflect light in some or the other colour and which keeps changing to form human aura. Colours radiate energy which resonates with light reflected by our seven main energy centres, called chakras.  Colour therapy is used to balance body energy.  Freshwater is charged in morning sunlight for 3 hours for particular disease before drinking. There is no side effect. You can prepare your water yourself after deciding colour you need. Read all colour carefully and choose your colour.

Method to prepare water: Glass Bottle of desired colour is required. You can also wrap transparent colour sheet of required colour.  Fill the bottle unto three-fourth level with fresh water. Cork and place it in bright morning sunlight for 3 hours for charging. Cool it for 2 hours. Drink one bottle of charged water per day for 40 days and observe the wonderful result.

RED colour : Warm colour of life, it is associated with Muladhara or root-chakra situated at the perineum, as crimson red shade. It relates to survival and governs the vitality of body (physicality). Muladhara chakra when radiates red tinged with dull black it signifies sickness, scarlet or cordovan red it signifies pain or coarse passion and cloudy red or carmine it signifies anger & greed.

Used for: Anemia, Asthma, Chronic cough, Disease of larynx. Low blood pressure, Cold extremities.  Avoid in: High blood pressure and angry moods.

VERMILLION (bright red/reddish orange): Colour of life, healing, stimulation, kind heartedness, reflecting power, pride, passion and identity, it is associated with Swadhisththana or sacral chakra situated at the genitals that triggers nature’s creative energy. 

Used for: Revitalizing nerves, Depression, Arteriosclerosis, Cramps, Paralysis, Polio, PCOD, and Infertility.

YELLOW (Green+Red): Colour of joy, happiness and liberation, it is associated with Manipura or Solar plexus chakra situated between the navel and rib-cage. Manipura chakra when radiates golden yellow it signifies strong chakra & relates to wisdom, will power and optimism whereas shades of black or green signifies lack of energy indicative of cowardice, fear and caution.

Used for: Any aliment related to pancreas, liver, spleen and brain. Assists in metabolism.  Useful in diabetes, constipation, indigestion, glandular disease. It’s use brings balance between body and mind.

GREEN(blue+yellow): Colour of harmony, quiet, calm and mild sedation, it is associated with Anahata or heart chakra. Green represents freshness and growth inherent in nature. When the energy of heart chakra flows upward, it is bright green or pink and evokes higher emotions and when it flows downwards it is grey or dark green and reflects fear, state of weakness and inconsistency.

Used for: Bronchitis, Cough, Cysts, Heart & Breast-ailments.

BLUE: Colour of truth, it is associated with Vishuddha or throat Chakra. Sky blue signifies peace and tranquility, sapphire blue and integrity, turquoise (greenish blue) intuition, dynamism and creative expression, indigo (deep blue and violet) trust harmony and service. Smoky purple has diminishing aspects of red and blue representing passion and reason respectively.
Used for: Remove pains, Reduces bleeding, Heals burns. Use in Headache, migraine, pain abdomen, muscle cramps, Hypothyroidism, Tonsillitis, Stammering.

WHITE (mixture of colours of visible spectrum): Colour of purity, humility, innocence and perfection, it is associated with Ajna or brow chakra the seat of mind and identified with third eye.

Brow chakra is also depicted in Indigo (Red+Blue); colour of intuition, excellent stimulant, without being irritant/ Violet(Reddish blue); colour of boundlessness, emotion, meditative value.

Indigo is used for: Aliments of eyes, ear, nose, sinus, nervous system. It is useful in treating Addictions, Depression.

Violet is used for: Aliments of spleen, Lymphatic system, to calm nervous system.

WHITER THAN MOON, VIOLET, MAGENTA(Red+Blue) : Colour of Absolute power, are associated  with Sahasrara or thousand-petaled lotus , final abode of kundalini shakti or serpent power, lying dormant at the base of spine. 

Saturday 20 April 2019



Always feeling self-sufficient and responsible for taking care of self can prove challenging in a situation in which we have to rely & depend on others. We make things worse either by trying to do more than we should or by feeling useless and run the risk of actually prolonging our dependency. Our ego holds us from accepting the situation fully as it is thus generating a feeling of vulnerability and unhappiness. It is advisable to surrender to our own helplessness, accept with humility own limitations & let go of our feeling that we should be able to do it all by ourselves. Endeavor must be to seek and accept help of others with a positive attitude and optimistic thinking that change is inevitable for the sake of own health, happiness and internal satisfaction. The experience of being helped generates a deep feeling of gratitude; acceptance of others for what they are; motivation to be much more compassionate and derive internal satisfaction by doing good to others without any expectations in return.

Wednesday 17 April 2019

'Happiness is a journey, not a destination'

'Happiness is a journey, not a destination'. One’s individuality sets one apart from others based on values. The interpersonal conflicts are best avoided by moving beyond comparisons & accepting the differences. Blaming others, hanging on to resentments, holding someone or something responsible for own feelings erodes one’s peace of mind leaving little energy to devote to personal development.

Take a few moments to reflect on how another person makes you feel. Our well-being is generally influenced by those around us. Be honest with self about own feelings, have greater insight into the quality of social interactions & their energetic effect. Some of the people we deal with are a joy to be with & their loving presence nurtures & encourages us. Others may have the opposite effect, draining us of our energy thus sapping our strength and making us feel tired & exhausted.

In fact the kind of thoughts one harbors significantly affects relationships with others. One fuming with hatred or bitter with cynicism drives others away from himself/herself whereas one bursting with affection & bubbling with optimism draws others near to himself/herself. One’s disinterest lets the other person withdraw his/her own interest in you and even turn disdainful of you whereas exhibiting  keen interest flatters the other person as everybody enjoys being admired, regardless of whom the admirer is. The sympathetic frame of mind towards the other person instantly makes him/her feel that there is a common bond and helps in developing a healthy relationship.

Surround yourselves with positive people in order to clear away the negativity that exists around and envelope yourself in a supportive & healing space that fosters greater growth, understanding & love of yourselves in order to infuse your lives with greater happiness. We experience peace when we are in a state of mental calm and serenity. Consciously set aside your worries, as the clutter of your thoughts & concerns clear away, you will start to feel more calm & serene. Cultivate inner peace; you have the power to free yourself from anxiety simply by deciding to do so. 

Laughter brings with it a host of positive effects that operate on both the physical & mental levels. Laughing involves the body, emotions & the soul. It is also fun, expressive, & a way to release minor physical & mental stresses. Learn to laugh in the present moment, it shall make life seem less serious and you’ll find that joy is always there.

Thursday 11 April 2019

Fusion of potential and kinetic energies - The meeting of Shiva and Shakti

Fusion of potential and kinetic energies - The meeting of Shiva and Shakti

Chakras are centres of energy located along the spine. The prana flows from the tailbone to the crown of head. Observe silence that goes beyond words and wordlessness. Trigger off the coiled energy lying dormant at Muladhara or the root chakra Clear the mind of the negative thoughts to enhance awareness, keep mind stable and visualise the light of wisdom opening the window of possibilities. Feel any of your feeling of love, affection, anger, hatred or fear to rediscover your heart and optimize self confidence, boost creativity and imagination. Leave perception of individual self, visualise the sun, moon, stars and planets as part of self to experience oneness with the Supreme Being.  Prana, the dynamic life force, shall restore balance between body, mind and spirit.

Friday 5 April 2019

Learn Reiki

What is Reiki ?
How Reiki works ?
Reiki uses

REIKI Defined...

Reiki is an energy healing. Not only on the physical level but also on the emotional and mental level before any illness has surfaced in the physical body.

Emotional upset and mental stress will with time surface and manifest itself as physical imbalances, attitudes and destructive habits.


Rei = Universal
Ki = Life Force Energy

How Reiki Works...

Inside every human being there is a subtle system of channels (nadis/meridians) and centres of energy (chakras) which look after our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being.

  • Reiki flows through this system
  • Ida/Pingla/Sushumna are main Nadis for flow of Reiki
  • All beings are given a spark of Ki at birth, which is stored in them for life.
  • This Ki energy has its own force field, known as Aura, which has colors.
  • Along spine there are seven energy transformers in form of vortices known as Chakra
  • Flow of Reiki removes blocks and balances Chakras and increases Ki.
When the physical body is charged with Reiki, the aura from the ethereal body surrounds the physical body like a protective layer, about 5 cm (2 Inches) thick. This ethereal aura protects us from negative vibrations and it radiates vital energy to our surroundings. However, negative thoughts and emotions as well as an unhealthy lifestyle leads to a weakening of this health aura. This aura can be documented on photographic paper with Kirlian photography.

Reiki Uses:

·                     Reiki your SELF daily and rid yourself of stress, anxiety and fear.
·                     Reiki your medicine whether allopathic or herbal.
·                     Reiki your family member.
·                     Send Reiki to your kith and kin living far away.
·                     Send Reiki to your future.
·                     Send Reiki to your past.
·                     Send Reiki to your Dream.

Dr.Vandana Singh RaghuvanshiM.B.B.S., M.S.(Surgery), REIKI Grandmaster