Tuesday 26 February 2019

Self Realization

Self Realization

Self realization that the soul is different from physical being is a must. Every individual (the soul) possesses the ability & the power to control his/her physical & mental senses. Transmitting negative energy is harmful but sharing positive energy helps life journey pass smoothly & enjoyably. Be alert and aware to monitor the feelings & attitude that is transmitted outwards through eyes, words & complete body language. Look only for the positives in a situation rather than the distracting, disturbing, negative & harmful images & words to remain focused & not deflected in your pursuit to experience inner contentment & bliss in life. In life journey one needs to keep mind & intellect in complete control to make it enjoyable & have mental peace & happiness.

Friday 22 February 2019

Colour Therapy


Chakras reflect light in some or the other colour and which keeps changing to form human aura. Colours radiate energy which resonates with light reflected by our seven main energy centres, called chakras.  Colour therapy is used to balance body energy.  Freshwater is charged in morning sunlight for 3 hours for particular disease before drinking. There is no side effect. You can prepare your water yourself after deciding colour you need. Read all colour carefully and choose your colour.

Method to prepare water: Glass Bottle of desired colour is required. You can also wrap transparent colour sheet of required colour.  Fill the bottle unto three-fourth level with fresh water. Cork and place it in bright morning sunlight for 3 hours for charging. Cool it for 2 hours. Drink one bottle of charged water per day for 40 days and observe the wonderful result.

RED colour : Warm colour of life, it is associated with Muladhara or root-chakra situated at the perineum, as crimson red shade. It relates to survival and governs the vitality of body (physicality). Muladhara chakra when radiates red tinged with dull black it signifies sickness, scarlet or cordovan red it signifies pain or coarse passion and cloudy red or carmine it signifies anger & greed.

Used for: Anemia, Asthma, Chronic cough, Disease of larynx. Low blood pressure, Cold extremities.  Avoid in: High blood pressure and angry moods.

VERMILLION (bright red/reddish orange): Colour of life, healing, stimulation, kind heartedness, reflecting power, pride, passion and identity, it is associated with Swadhisththana or sacral chakra situated at the genitals that triggers nature’s creative energy. 

Used for: Revitalizing nerves, Depression, Arteriosclerosis, Cramps, Paralysis, Polio, PCOD, and Infertility.

YELLOW (Green+Red): Colour of joy, happiness and liberation, it is associated with Manipura or Solar plexus chakra situated between the navel and rib-cage. Manipura chakra when radiates golden yellow it signifies strong chakra & relates to wisdom, will power and optimism whereas shades of black or green signifies lack of energy indicative of cowardice, fear and caution.

Used for: Any aliment related to pancreas, liver, spleen and brain. Assists in metabolism.  Useful in diabetes, constipation, indigestion, glandular disease. It’s use brings balance between body and mind.

GREEN(blue+yellow): Colour of harmony, quiet, calm and mild sedation, it is associated with Anahata or heart chakra. Green represents freshness and growth inherent in nature. When the energy of heart chakra flows upward, it is bright green or pink and evokes higher emotions and when it flows downwards it is grey or dark green and reflects fear, state of weakness and inconsistency.

Used for: Bronchitis, Cough, Cysts, Heart & Breast-ailments.

BLUE: Colour of truth, it is associated with Vishuddha or throat Chakra. Sky blue signifies peace and tranquility, sapphire blue and integrity, turquoise (greenish blue) intuition, dynamism and creative expression, indigo (deep blue and violet) trust harmony and service. Smoky purple has diminishing aspects of red and blue representing passion and reason respectively.
Used for: Remove pains, Reduces bleeding, Heals burns. Use in Headache, migraine, pain abdomen, muscle cramps, Hypothyroidism, Tonsillitis, Stammering.

WHITE (mixture of colours of visible spectrum): Colour of purity, humility, innocence and perfection, it is associated with Ajna or brow chakra the seat of mind and identified with third eye.

Brow chakra is also depicted in Indigo (Red+Blue); colour of intuition, excellent stimulant, without being irritant/ Violet(Reddish blue); colour of boundlessness, emotion, meditative value.

Indigo is used for: Aliments of eyes, ear, nose, sinus, nervous system. It is useful in treating Addictions, Depression.

Violet is used for: Aliments of spleen, Lymphatic system, to calm nervous system.

WHITER THAN MOON, VIOLET, MAGENTA(Red+Blue) : Colour of Absolute power, are associated  with Sahasrara or thousand-petaled lotus , final abode of kundalini shakti or serpent power, lying dormant at the base of spine. 

Monday 18 February 2019

One Needs to Work towards a new Perspective of Life.

One Needs to Work towards a new Perspective of Life.

The incidents and the experiences continue to impact our lives throughout that builds a perception & identity of our own and dictate our conduct in a given situation i.e physical and emotional abuse, feeling of unloved & unwanted, relationship issues etc. The process of inner negative dialogue that is self critical so initiated in such situations pushes us into our own world and our subconscious mind constantly sends these messages that play the same scenario over and over again in our mind to create our reality. Human mind is deeply influenced by thoughts and negative thoughts colour every response of ours to the stimuli and attracts negative situation. Fear makes us doubt our capabilities eroding self confidence and sense of self worth. Control self talk that is self critical, remain optimistic and change your mind set towards a new perspective of life.   

Saturday 16 February 2019

Try and feel the change -- it has no side effects…and feel healed....

Try and feel the change -- it has no side effects…and feel healed....


Go to the place where you are comfortable, not disturbed by sound and feel relaxed. This can be your room, open area or a nearby garden or lake.
Connect to alpha level.
Now get connected to your higher consciousness.
Feel that you are merged with your sub-conscious mind.
Breathe slowly and comfortably.
Ask for the best solution and answer to your current problem.
Ask as many question related with your problem as you wish.
Give time as much as you feel reasonable.
Bring your consciousness to your body.
Write down all the messages you received during this period.
Think over them, work with them and you will find that your problem is solved for your higher good.


Embrace a tree for 5 minutes. You can also hold a small plant between your hands. Do it in day time only. Plants provide PRANA. Repeat it many times a day. Regular daily practice will fill you with positive healing energy. Try it and feel the change.


Stand bare foot on green grass and take deep breath. Close your eyes and imagine all negative thoughts, negative emotions, disease, side effects of medicine (if on medicine) are leaving you and getting absorbed by Mother earth. Feel it for 5 minutes, open your eyes and feel healed.


Cross them with your right hand. It is very effective for every negative thought you create.

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Reiki empowers you to act rather than react in distressing situations.

Reiki empowers you to act rather than react in distressing situations.

Many times our daily encounters in life awaken feelings of nervousness within us and make us wonder whether we are truly in control of our lives. The apprehensions manifest as feeling of heaviness or nausea situated in the depths of the lower abdomen. The fear perspective makes the situation seem hopeless. We must confront the anxiety lovingly & deliberately by cleansing ourselves of unease and replenish the space with tranquil awareness to manage the hopelessness with a serene heart and mind. It empowers you to act rather than react in distressing situations. Reiki helps you root down into your deepest physical reach, ground yourself & regain your emotional equilibrium.  Restore your strength & clear negative energy from your core by concentrating on the 2nd/Sacral chakra. The balancing of the sacral chakra helps establish peace within your core, respond productively to the turmoil while the inwardly directed attention steadies you and makes you more adaptive to rapidly changing conditions. Grounding helps eradicate the trepidation and helplessness one feels within and leaves one feeling peaceful and capable of calmly handling any challenging circumstances that arise. Picture the sacral chakra as a funnel of vivid orange light. Reach down toward that light with your awareness & channel your breath into the space it occupies. Channel healing energy into your core by visualizing the area below your belly button as an open space into which you channel white, loving light.

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Hasta mudras – Hand gestures

Hasta mudras – Hand gestures

Each finger of hand represents an element of nature and has a subtle energy field – [Thumb-fire(solar plexus chakra)], [index finger-Air(heart chakra)], [middle finger-space(throat chakra)], [ring finger-earth(root chakra)], [little finger-water(sacral chakra)]. Bringing thumb in touch with one or more fingers deepens one’s connection with the elements represented by them and invigorates PRANA –Universal life force.

The universal life force energy is categorised into prana, apana, samana, udana and vyana.

Prana mudra
Prana moves in the heart. It stands for vigour, self assertion and survival.

It impacts breathing, body temperature, heart rate, sensory functions, thought, behaviour and consciousness.

Apana mudra
Apana moves in the sphere of anus. It symbolises patience, movement and flow.

It regulates the downward moving energy, eliminates toxins and waste products from body, has therapeutic effect on the heart and the colon thus gives life.

Samana mudra
Samana moves in the region of navel. It is symbolic of balance, harmony and understanding.

It improves the functioning of liver, gall bladder, pancreas and small intestine thus helps in ingestion, digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients.

Udana mudra
Udana moves in the throat. It symbolises imagination, creativity and communication.

It regulates energy that ascends from the navel to the heart, throat and the head. It supports the central and peripheral nervous system. It improves metabolism, speech and concentration.

Vyana mudra
Vyana pervades the whole body. It is symbolic of circulation, transmission and activity.

It ensures proper circulation of blood and tones up the heart, lungs, skin, bones, veins, muscles and nerves.

Monday 4 February 2019

Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation

Mind and body connect is essential. Healthy body houses healthy mind. Focus on physical fitness, have patience & commit time to exercise and meditation for body-mind connect & coordination. The feel good factor generated through the feeling of beautiful thoughts coming in and going out while breathing builds resilience against stress. The breath in the human body is PRANA, the universal life-force that regulates thought, behaviour, consciousness, patience, harmony, balance, understanding, imagination, communication, creativity and vigour by bringing the energy systems of the body in harmonious balance.