Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Inner Child Therapy

Usually family is responsible for development of a psyche that forces an individual to live life just pleasing parents and others rather than making self happy. One continues to seek approval & support and does not realize that as an individual one has own will and purpose of life to be determined by one’s own unfolding.   

Despite being successful and independent one still feels a vacuum inside that puts him/her into lot of emotional turmoil. There comes a point in life when one starts questioning why he/she is doing what he/she is doing as per other’s expectations and feels depressed. One feels like leaving everything, explore the world, enjoy own company, drinking & smoking to forget the past and experience peace but does not understand the purpose of life. The intense pain and emotional turmoil may be the result of a tough childhood, brought up in hostile circumstances, burden of responsibilities, becoming over responsible and start of earning at very young age.    

Actually one starts running away from reality in order to make inner child happy, enjoy life, forget hard facts of childhood and in turn lose stability. One just goes in any direction that comes his/her way but wrong direction causes guilt, adds to the misery and makes situation worse.

The need of an hour is to face the reality. The inner child needs pampering, unconditional love, understanding that I am the one who chose it as a soul, I had some karmic debt to pay, I chose my own set of parents for a specific reason. The acceptance of reality heals the soul & forgiveness becomes easy.

We need to learn to look within, nurture and awaken this inner being. The awareness shall dawn with the aid of support group and therapist. One may feel worse before one feels better, but will ultimately find out how to live for oneself & how to make self happy. Healing the inner child makes an individual comfortable & stable that helps find out what he/she actually needs and choose his/her direction accordingly to get it.

Contact Dr Vandana Raghuvanshi M-9872880634 for Inner Child Therapy