Tuesday 25 December 2018

Inner Child Therapy

Usually family is responsible for development of a psyche that forces an individual to live life just pleasing parents and others rather than making self happy. One continues to seek approval & support and does not realize that as an individual one has own will and purpose of life to be determined by one’s own unfolding.   

Despite being successful and independent one still feels a vacuum inside that puts him/her into lot of emotional turmoil. There comes a point in life when one starts questioning why he/she is doing what he/she is doing as per other’s expectations and feels depressed. One feels like leaving everything, explore the world, enjoy own company, drinking & smoking to forget the past and experience peace but does not understand the purpose of life. The intense pain and emotional turmoil may be the result of a tough childhood, brought up in hostile circumstances, burden of responsibilities, becoming over responsible and start of earning at very young age.    

Actually one starts running away from reality in order to make inner child happy, enjoy life, forget hard facts of childhood and in turn lose stability. One just goes in any direction that comes his/her way but wrong direction causes guilt, adds to the misery and makes situation worse.

The need of an hour is to face the reality. The inner child needs pampering, unconditional love, understanding that I am the one who chose it as a soul, I had some karmic debt to pay, I chose my own set of parents for a specific reason. The acceptance of reality heals the soul & forgiveness becomes easy.

We need to learn to look within, nurture and awaken this inner being. The awareness shall dawn with the aid of support group and therapist. One may feel worse before one feels better, but will ultimately find out how to live for oneself & how to make self happy. Healing the inner child makes an individual comfortable & stable that helps find out what he/she actually needs and choose his/her direction accordingly to get it.

Contact Dr Vandana Raghuvanshi M-9872880634 for Inner Child Therapy

Sunday 23 December 2018

Happiness – is in your own hands.

Happiness – is in your  own hands.

Life is governed by the laws of nature (energy & vibrations) which is equal for everyone. Consciously or unconsciously practiced by everyone these either free us from the worldly illusions or trap us in vicious cycle of cause and effect. One can consciously use universal energy to attract enlightenment, abundance and divine love in life.

Sending energy vibrations of love, peace & happiness to the universe shall bring back the same into life. Make an effort to create and surround yourself with an environment of love, peace & happiness. Be inspired, leave comfort zone, appreciate the significance of required change, have patience and persistence in your efforts to seek true happiness in life.

We cannot change people, places or things surrounding us, but we can change ourselves. The external world surrounding us is the mirror of our inner self.  Accept and take responsibility for what you have in life, positive or negative, and make an effort to alter it the way you like to have it in your life. If our inner state of mind is focused on the positive character traits of others and accept with humility as they are, they will never bother us.

Past, present, future everything is connected. Living in the past prevents growth and looking at future, the things remain in future only. Always be in present and focus energy on a single task at a time to accomplish it as focusing on multiple tasks at the same time scatters energy and none of the dreams comes true.

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Perfect Teacher-Life

Perfect Teacher - LIFE

When feeling frustrated and lost, we yearn for an insight to lead the way but do not realize our own life is the greatest teacher. We learn much from the people we interact with and situations we face every day if we are open to receiving their wisdom like patience, compassion, perseverance, honesty, letting go. In addition, some people teach us what we should not do. All the situations in our lives, from the insignificant to the major, conspire to teach us exactly what we need to be learning.

Each morning find a moment to acknowledge and honor the teacher that is life. Be wise enough to recognize lessons encountered and consider what life is trying to teach. A difficult phase in relationship, a homeless person and loss may be teaching to let go, the boundaries of compassion & generosity and to be present in physical reality. Trust your intuition on the nature of the lesson, work at own pace and ask as many questions as you want. Your life has all the answers.

Friday 14 December 2018

Peace of mind

Peace of mind

Longing and searching for peace - We experience peace when we are in a state of mental calm and serenity. The first step to inner peace is to allow oneself to be free from anxiety. There is always something in one’s mind that creates anxiety but it is important to consciously set aside worries and cultivate inner peace.

Learn to let go of your worries. Realize and remind yourself that you will be able to take care of everything soon enough and have the power to free yourself from anxiety. Take a break, spare time each day to meditate on peace and experience the feel of being calm & serene. Inhale and allow yourself move deeper into this state to feel your worries dissolve with every exhale. You will start to feel more serene and peaceful as the clutter of your thoughts and concerns clear away.

Tuesday 11 December 2018

Resentment – an impediment in personal development & Joy.

Resentment – an impediment in personal development & Joy.

All of us get angry. Anger is the emotional response to someone who inflicts pain or something that does not happen the way you want, need or expected it to.
Resentment is anger that does not find outlet and holding onto the hurt. It is a way of assigning blame to someone or something responsible to ease the feeling of pain. It smolders relentlessly just below the surface of our awareness thus eroding our peace of mind and causing great turmoil in life. Realise that hanging onto resentment in our hearts does not serve us in any way. We only hurt and harm ourselves. Choose peace over anger in your life to be free from suffering. 

We must choose to let go of our resentment and to move on with our lives, no matter how painful the event that incited it. It is difficult to successfully divest ourselves of resentful feelings but doing so lets us confront the source of anger mentally & emotionally.

We must shift our attention from those we resent back toward ourselves. Think about your own needs and quell resentful feelings by giving tangible form to your emotions. Write down your feelings, then burn the paper & wish them well. When you find compassion in your heart, you know you are on your way to healing.

Free of resentment,we have much more energy and attention to devote to our personal development & joy.

Monday 10 December 2018

Consumerism and Peace of mind

Consumerism and Peace of mind

There is no end to materialistic desires/possessions. The self-centrist approach to life gives birth to a tendency to run after money, acquire & hoard worldly goods/objects beyond one’s need to the extent that it even pollutes one’s mind with inclination to grab what belongs to someone else thus generating unhealthy competition, tension, conflict & violence. The mind becomes restless & distracted resulting in loss of inner peace. Money cannot buy peace and happiness. Monitor, restrain and curb the urge to own more money, gems, gold, land or other valuables. Self-restraint, self-control & self-detachment imbibed in thoughts, the virtues and values acquired on judicious introspection, helps one find bliss and peace.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Quest to Overachieve & Overreach - A Sign of Imbalance

Quest to Overachieve & Overreach - A Sign of Imbalance

A person usually reaches home after work late, tired & irritated. One day he/she finds his/her 5 year old child waiting for him/her at the door. The little child asks his/her parent “how much money do you make an hour?". The parent is furious and angrily replies “I make Rs 100 an hour." I work long, hard hours every day t0 buy you food, dress, toys etc. The little child quietly, head bowed, went to his room.

The child saves his/her pocket money over a month. The person, a month later, again finds his/her little child waiting for him at the door. The moment person enters home the child says "Dear Parent, I have Rs 100 now. Can I buy an hour of your time?"

“Do you Think the person has been so selfish not to give time to his/her child."  If it is what you feel with respect to person’s choices & lifestyle, it is worth examining in order to balance our own lives also for a more rewarding experience.

Sometimes, unknowingly, we create imbalance while in our pursuit to overachieve or need to be the best at something. Overachievers are people who have achieved but still feel the need to do more, creating an imbalance in their lives. People who exhibit this behavior may be trying to compensate for feelings of insecurity & doubts about their worth. They may be chasing unresolved issues from their past into the present, or they might not be looking at their lives as a whole, but judging themselves based only on one aspect of their being.

If we do not permit ourselves to experience & enjoy the present moment, putting pleasure off for later in the future, we are being driven to achieve more than is truly essential. Pushing ourselves selfishly to the exclusion of important people in our lives, or beyond the point of exhaustion, robs us of true & meaningful joy. We need to look to those we love & admire and note what we like about them, divert those feelings towards ourselves in order to realize what we value about life & allow our priorities to shift from chasing after an elusive feeling to being fully present in the moment so that we can live our lives in the now.

When we put the energy that we have been devoting to a phantom sense of achievement into the truly satisfying aspects of our lives, we can restore the balance between our inner and outer worlds and experience true joyful peace.