Wednesday 15 April 2020

This past life regression and LBL…..session is shared by subject herself with all of you… Hi Everyone , I am back with yet another beautiful experience. There were a lot of issues and problem that have been going on in my life since the age of 5 and life only got more and more tough and complicated as i grew up. By the age of 17 when every person is at its best time and enjoying life, making more friends , being ambitious my real struggle for life started. The relationship with my father was no more good as i was a person who would never bend in front of injustice and wrong doings hence not approving him which resulted in financial struggle and a lot more. When i went to Dr.Vandana in Oct 2011, it was the time that i was on the verge of a breakdown, and all that i knew was i had done nothing , absolutely nothing to deserve the life i was going through.. My past life regression unfolded many connections, many questions were answered, many worries ended and yet my never ending life surprises would take me by another blow. I had to go through a major change in life leaving behind two of my soul mates i had recognised during my PLR which has been the most difficult experience of my life but the change was un avoidable. I had cried all day, tired, exhausted and on the verge of giving up, as soon as i saw Dr.Vandana i told her that i wanted to know why did I choose such a difficult life,( as we know every soul chooses its life pattern and the people in his life) , so what i wanted to know was why did i choose such a difficult life We started our session on skype…….as now i am in Canada... We started the session with a new pattern, i was apprehensive that i was not emotionally stable and also i was physically exhausted so maybe i would not be able to regress , but it did not take me time to be in a deep state of trans, I was asked to be in a garden of my choice and as usual i was in Butchart garden in Victoria, i saw stairs going down , so i was asked to go down the stairs, at the end of the stairs i was told to look into a corridor and see how many doors does it have, It was a sky blue colour corridoor with 3 doors, all wooden doors in dark brown colour and real heavy doors. Dr.Vandana asked me to open any one door, and i opened the one right at the end of the corridoor, it took me time to open the door as it was very heavy and i had to use all my strenght to open the door. The room was dark and after some instructions it became lighter and now i could see the room, it was a room in grey colour, walls and even the floor was in grey stones, I could see my grand father on a wheelchair . I was a 1 year old girl with curly golden hair, i was playing with some dolls, small hand made ones and i saw that my father , a tall dark man who happens to be my father in present life picked me up and was playing with me. I knew he was my father but still i felt i am being held by a stranger, since it was the first time i was seeing my father after i was born. My mother who was wearing everything in black came and next i knew was that i was crawling and crying looking for a safe shelter, it was because my parents were arguing , my mother asked my father to leave and she did not want to see him ever again, she was upset that he had disappeared before i was born and never bothered to come & look after us. And during his absence there were alot of financial problems which made my mother do two jobs to be able to take care of her father and me. She also lost her mother to whom she was attached the most. I grew up, i was a brilliant student and a favorite of teachers, it was at the age of 19 that i joined the church and i chose to be a nun. Soon i was recognised as i was a very devoted person and by the age of 35 I was called Mother Ann. My mother came to see me twice, but it was very strange i was a very detached person, despite knowing she was alone and needed me i felt I belonged to the church, i had to serve Jesus. It was St.Marry’s church somwhere in Romania. The second time she came to see me , she was crying and begging me to go back and live with her and i felt no emotions, i was totally detached (now that i am writing this and remembering the scene my heart is aching ), i felt nothing and i refused to go with her, i wanted to serve Jesus. Next important event was when my mother passed away, i was the one saying the prayers at her grave and it was then that i was shaken , my belief in me and what i was doing shook, it was difficult to finish the prayers but i did complete the prayer as everyone there was looking upto me. I was their mentor , their role model.( I realized serving family and loved ones was our foremost duty even more important than serving Jesus, i realized relationships and families were very important in our soul print and maybe this is the reason why one of my fears in this life is losing my mother when i am not around or that of her falling sick and i would not be there to take care of her) I saw two more scenes, one was that i was unwell, as if it was the first time i had fallen sick in that life and there were younger nuns taking care of me and last scene was of my death, it was about 3 am and i knew the time has come, i got up from my bed and left my room, went to the main hall , i bowed and then kneeled down for prayer, i was seeking forgiveness for my behaviour with my mother and i prayed till last moment, then i saw my soul leaving my body exiting from my crown. I was asked what kind of a life it was and i answered an easy life, it had no purpose, I became a Nun and served the church because i found my comfort in it , because i never went out of my comfort zone to find out if i could do anything else, when i compared this life with my present life i reailzed the connection to this life is that i chose totally opposite life pattern, i would always go for challneges and have been looking for my purpose , I chose a very difficult life pattern that i have had no time to rest and have never been at ease. I waited there as i knew in a short while the nuns who come for preparing the hall for morning prayers wld discover my body. I was about 82 years old at the time of death. I was burried and my name read Mother Ann ( Anna Krista), i wa sburried in the same church. Before i moved up i wanted to meet my mother and seek forgiveness, i went to her but she was too upset with me , she was not ready to listen, and even after so much of effort it felt as if she said i have forgiven you but “dont you think its that easy and i can forget it”, she hugged me and gave me a half smile but i had to move , i could not wait anymore. I was a bright white light and reached the white light very fast , i did not want to rest and was ready for my next assignment, I saw master soul looking at me with a smile , a smile like a parent when he sees his child impatient for the game. LBL: I went to the master soul for blessings, he gave me blessings, I was asked to see my planning chart and look around if there is a counsellor table, i saw it , i knew that was my present life chart but i was still getting blessings, it was such a peaceful experience, it felt great , since i have recognized my master soul, i always greet him in the Indian way by touching his feet and it is an automatic thing now which has started post a particular session when the master disclosed his identity. After i was filled with light, love and peace i moved towards the table, on the otherside too was a spiritual teacher or a junior master i could feel. ( he was the most learned of my soulmates, the person who would always look at me with a sarcastic smile and always gave the impression that my sight would remind him of a nagging child, it was him who gave me a word in my last LBL session , he whispered healing ). I sat there and i saw my chart, i saw my parents on the left corner above the chart, it felt as if their role had come to an end with this life and they were about to exit my life pattern. I saw my ex husband and two more men who have had a very major role in my life , my husband was smiling and the other two people , one was confused as to why did he have to be even there and the third man who has had a very major role in my life both good and bad he was looking at me as if he wanted some answers and he was still hopeful that i may consider his role . After seeing all these i was looking for my soulmate and the rest of soulmates but i saw no one and i went back to the master soul, i kneeled down with my hands folded and i asked him why did i choose such a difficult life , at this time i burst out into tears and i could not stop, he replied that you did not choose your chart, you told me what you wanted and i chose your chart for you. I looked at him and asked him then why did you make me suffer so much , i was begging him, he knew i was having no more strenght , and i was giving up, he said : “ YOU WANTED TO BE WITH YOUR SOULMATE SO YOU HAD TO LEARN UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, YOU WANTED TO BE ON A HIGHER PLANE AND EVOLVE SO YOU HAD TO CLEAR ALL YOUR KARMAS, YOU WANTED TO BE ON A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY AND BE A HEALER SO YOU HAD TO LEARN PATIENCE”, that is why i chose this chart for you. I stopped crying at this moment and asked him if my chart could be changed as I could no more go on like this, i told him i had no energy, i could not bear anymore pain and he told me he won’t change the chart, he told me you are very close to your life purpose and to have all that you have asked for so i won’t change your chart, the difficult part is over and the life you wanted is to begin and i can’t let you go through all these in another life, you need to complete all your exams and start the life you have asked for and that is very near, You can not give up. I started crying again and went back to my chart and this time i saw 2 of my soulmates, my brother and my soulmate, i realised my brother was there for my support and the time of being with soulmate was very close, i saw a date there. Then i was looking for a date for my healing clinic and other wishes i had and i saw a date for next year for my healing clinic too. I went back to the master soul to ask if i was meant to be healer then why is it that there are still issues and i have to wait another year , and i saw myself again at the counselor table , i knew it was because i needed to learn patience,to be more grateful and also got the impression that i have been having a tendency to forget my lessons from previous lives so it was to insured that before i was a healer with such a huge responsibility i had learnt all the lessons and i would remember them all and actually would be fit to be a good healer who could carry such a responsibility. I saw the third man on the right handside of my chart next two the other two and realised his role in my life was to make me meet my soulmate and his role has now come to an end , Dr.Vandana asked me if i need to clear any more issues with him but he had become too small and i could sense he was of another category and his role had come to an end, he had shrunk and was becoming smaller and smaller. I went back to the master sould and told him i needed strenght and his blessing to be able to come out of all these tests successfully, he picked me up and took me to his heart and blessed me with DIVINE LIGHT, DIVINE LOVE, DIVINE WISDOM,DIVINE SUPPORT , DIVINE GUIDANCE AND DIVINE PROTECTION & then i kneeled down to thank him while he continued to bless me , at this time i saw another soul mate of mine , a very dear person in my present life, the master soul blessed her , she was wearing a Golden shawl around her, the same i have seen of Budha in some pictures, master soul blessed her and took her under his arms and gave her blessings and gave me the impression that all that had to happen would happen through her and that i was in safe hands. Then the Master Soul blessed both of us and then it was time to come back. I have never had such ans elaborated LBL session, but it felt amazing , the blissful feeling was out of this world and our imagination, as soon as i came back to my conscious level i could feel the strength within me, the hope, the purpose. It was most amazing experience i have ever had.

Monday 23 March 2020

The Alphabet Of Happiness The Alphabet: A – ACCEPT Accept others for who they are and for the choices they’ve made even if you have difficulty understanding their beliefs, motives, or actions. B – BREAK AWAY Break away from everything that stands in the way of what you hope to accomplish with your life. C – CREATE Create a family of friends whom you can share your hopes, dreams, sorrows, and happiness with. D – DECIDE Decide that you’ll be successful and happy come what may, and good things will find you. The roadblocks are only minor obstacles along the way. E – EXPLORE Explore and experiment. The world has much to offer, and you have much to give. And every time you try something new, you’ll learn more about yourself. F – FORGIVE Forgive and forget. Grudges only weigh you down and inspire unhappiness and grief. Soar above it, and remember that everyone makes mistakes. G – GROW Leave the childhood monsters behind. They can no longer hurt you or stand in your way. H – HOPE Hope for the best and never forget that anything is possible as long as you remain dedicated to the task. I – IGNORE Ignore the negative voice inside your head. Focus instead on your goals and remember your accomplishments. Your past success is only a small inkling of what the future holds. J – JOURNEY Journey to new worlds, new possibilities, by remaining open-minded. Try to learn something new every day, an you’ll grow. K – KNOW Know that no matter how bad things seem, they’ll always get better. The warmth of spring always follows the harshest winter. L – LOVE Let love fill your heart instead of hate. When hate is in your heart, there’s room for nothing else, but when love is in your heart, there’s room for endless happiness. M – MANAGE Manage your time and your expenses wisely, and you’ll suffer less stress and worry. Then you’ll be able to focus on the important things in life. N – NOTICE Never ignore the poor, infirm, helpless, weak, or suffering. Offer your assistance when possible, and always your kindness and understanding. O – OPEN Open your eyes and take in all the beauty around you. Even during the worst of times, there’s still much to be thankful for. P – PLAY Never forget to have fun along the way. Success means nothing without happiness. Q – QUESTION Ask many questions, because you’re here to learn. R – RELAX Refuse to let worry and stress rule your life, and remember that things always have a way of working out in the end. S – SHARE Share your talent, skills, knowledge, and time with others. Everything that you invest in others will return to you many times over. T – TRY Even when your dreams seem impossible to reach, try anyway. You’ll be amazed by what you can accomplish. U – USE Use your gifts to your best ability. Talent that’s wasted has no value. Talent that’s used bill bring unexpected rewards. V – VALUE Value the friends and family members who’ve supported and encouraged you, and be there for them as well. W – WORK Work hard every day to be the best person you can be, but never feel guilty if you fall short of your goals. Every sunrise offers a second chance. X – X-RAY Look deep inside the hearts of those around you and you’ll see the goodness and beauty within. Y – YIELD Yield to commitment. If you stay on track and remain dedicated, you’ll find success at the end of the road. Z – ZOOM Zoom to a happy place when bad memories or sorrow rears its ugly head. Let nothing interfere with your goals. Instead, focus on your abilities, your dreams, and a brighter tomorrow.

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Learn Reiki Two.... Contact us at 9872880634

In the Reiki Level 2 course, the participant will learn the following:
- Symbols – understanding of where and how they are used.
- Japanese techniques as taught by Dr. Usui
- Reiki II attunement.
- Complete treatment using all symbols.
- you will again experience a 21 day cleanse process, similar to the one experienced in connection with first degree
- Distance Reiki and different methods of use.
- Second-degree reiki empowerment works more directly on the energy ( etheric) body and tends to stimulate the development of the intuitive center which is located at the pituitary gland.

Friday 6 March 2020

Case Study... Cause and Effect #Karmic Link... Why do I have a daughter with autism/ Asperger ? Why do I have a difficult relationship with husband? What is the purpose of my life? A 42 year woman, with these queries, came to understand the reasons of her extreme sufferings. Session….. It is a beautiful small English house surrounded by trees. My parents along with 4-5 kids are sitting in a room and talking. I am a girl wearing frock. I am a young woman in a Church. It is my wedding. The groom has come along with a six year old boy, his son. I came to a big house with lot of wooden work after marriage. My husband is a very important person, always busy, not bothered about me. Lots of people have gathered here for a party. The boy calls me mom. It is his birthday celebrations. I am attending to every guest. My husband is not present. Mine is very lonely life, just taking care of the boy and home. Now I am holding a small girl child in my hands. The boy is of 10 years now, very happy, jumping around. I am feeling little happy but I do not like the boy. He hurts my daughter. I want to protect her. I want him to go away (started crying). My daughter is grown up now but it seems I am around her all the time as something is wrong with her. I always worry about her. It seems she has the similar type of disorder—Autism/Asperger. I teach her to play piano. Boy is not at home. Three of us, my husband, daughter and me are here. I did not allow him to live with us. He is growing up at some other place. I am pregnant again. I am 40 now. I have lot of health problems and severe breathing difficulty. My husband and daughter are present near me. I think I am at full term. I am sinking, feeling numb, feel no pain anywhere. I am no more. There is lot of sadness that I did not give birth to child. My last thought was about my daughter and that I should have loved the boy. I am buried, it is 1859. My name is Mary. Guided to light, the master light came, when she asked what is the purpose of my present life? The answer came - love everybody, selfless love. In that life you did not love the boy so in this life you have to learn unconditional love. The husband and daughter are my current life husband and daughter also, more difficult to live with. As a past life regression therapist again I witnessed karmic link affecting present life so much, We must sow all the seeds in our life with love.

Friday 28 February 2020

A Past Life regression session written and shared by person who had session... I am sharing my experiences as i know many of you who are reading these articles would have similar questions and maybe this would help you find your answers too . I called Dr.Vandana for an appointment and further reached her clinic as scheduled. We started with a short meditation and body cleansing and proceeded further to regression , and i saw myself as a girl around the age of 13-14 and i was entering a house , nice, cozy home with a green grass lawn, a white painted house....I was baby sitting a small 4-5 years old kid, he was not my brother but i was very attached to that baby, his parents would come by 5 pm and that was the time i would leave for my home. I was asked to see where i stayed and i was staying in an orphange , i was well over the age i was allowed to stay however i was a favorite of nuns there who run the orphange attached to the church so i was permitted to stay. I needed to know how did i end up being in the orphange so i travelled back and i Saw my current life mother leaving the city with my younger brother and leaving me behind, i was then at the age of 7/8 with brown hair, wearing a long white frok , i could see them go but i still did not know what did that mean and never came to know either. Dr.Vandana asked me to recognize the place and it was very clear that it was Canada. The next scene was that i was married and my husband (who happens to be my soulmate as i have seen many times in previous sessions )was bed ridden, i was working and i would take care of him , i had to travel back to see how and why was he bed ridden and how did we get married, when i reached back to the time, i saw that we were class mates in college and we fell in love very young and got married at the age of 21-22 and after a few years when i was just 26 years old he met with an accident, he was benjamin and after that accident benjamin could not move as he had got paralized waist below.... Dr. Vandana asked me if i ever met any other man and the answer was no , I loved benjamin and i was happy and contented taking care of him, he on the other hand was very sad and his dosability had taken a tall on him. When i was taken to the most important event in my life which usually is why one wants to have the regression and is the event which has the lesson one carries from that life, i saw myself a middle aged woman, now age and the fact of being both the bread winner and the nurse for my husband was showing on my face and i was no more the happy woman i was , the scene i saw brought a smile on my face and was when Benjamin and me walked out of the hospital ,he was cured and he could walk now, i was so happy and felt that all that pain and sufferring was worth those many years, after that i saw a scene where i came home from work and saw Benjamin hanged from the ceiling, he left me alone after all those years and all those efforts. He had become too sadistic and had started to believe that he is worthless and he should not live anymore, i did not blame him but i felt so lonely , i left that house and went back to the church and soon after i died too. Till this moment i had not cared to identify myself as i had sacrificed my life for my soulmate , when Dr.Vandana asked me to see what it was written on my grave stone , it read “ Anna who gave her life for love” and i started crying , my tears did not stop for a few minutes and then when i calmed down i entered the LBL ,In LBL ..... i was a pure white light,felt very light and travelled very comfortably , as i reached the place, i saw the Master soul and my soulmates too. My soulmate came and joined me and took my hand , i looked back for the Master Soul’s approval , he gave the permission with a nod , so once again i asked the master soul would my soulmate and me be together in this life and at this time he embraced us and gave us his blessing , we became one with him and totally embraced in his light . The lesson i learnt in that life was “never love so immensly and give the other person the chance to love you and care for you as much “

Thursday 20 February 2020

Present life vs past life - a PLR session A client told I feel very sad and lonely. In my present life I feel suffocated and usually hurt by family and friends. I feel like visiting my past life. Session….. I am small 8 yr old boy standing in a red soil ground. I am alone. It seems I am looking for someone. A woman is looking at me from a little afar. I feel she will come to me. Some men are also entering the ground. The woman ran away. They come near me and tell me I am an illegitimate child. I am afraid and ran towards village. I reached a small house. A woman is cooking meals. I am helping her. We are waiting. A man and a boy came. We are now taking food. The three of them are absorbed in themselves. I feel isolated and all alone. The boy is their son. He brought me to his home. The boy loves me and treats me as his brother. He is looking at me and giving me more food to eat. Now I am 15 yrs old and clean shoes in the village. My brother has joined army. The man does not like me. He beats me a lot and calls me bastard. My brother came back and got married. He shifted to some city. He started some business linked with stones for me. He calls me Madhav. I am bodily very weak. Whenever the man comes he treats me very badly. Nobody likes me in the village. I am 30 plus. I could not marry. Life is ok. The woman is dead. We all are sad. The man came to live with us. My life is fine when my brother is here but when he goes for work my life is difficult. I am 45. One day the body of my brother came. I am very sad and feeling at loss. Now I am afraid about myself. I am still living in this house with his father. Our fights are on the rise. One day few men came to house. The man locked me in a room. After sometime he opened the room. I am trying to get out of the room but he did not allow and stopped me. He wrapped a cloth around my face. I am feeling suffocated. He is beating me. It seems they are taking me somewhere. I feel many more people are with him now. I feel I am lying on the ground. Someone is beating and breaking my hand. I am very afraid. They are now burying me in the ground. I am breathless and suffocated. I die. At the time of death there was too much pain in my body and I was suffocating. I was unwanted. No one was mine. The brother is my present life mother. In light the soul consciousness felt healed and message received ----“self love”. Reorientation… It was a difficult past life but I do not know why I feel light. The present life is better, maybe I have a step father but my mother and sister are with me. I will try to appreciate the good things I have in present life.

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Addiction and Substance abuse... Counselling session and therapy Helps.. Contact us at 9872880634 The apparent reason for starting is people around using it, so it becomes normal or even cool to do it. Underlying reason is emotional disturbance, many a times resulting from absent father figure. There's an emptiness or a void inside that every addict is trying to fill. If the void wasn't there, the urge to smoke will not arise. It works on the mind and the consciousness over a period of time. Imagine the conscious mind to be 10% of this big sphere we operate in, rest is unconscious or subconscious, which are deep buried memories, thoughts, feelings. If they were buried, it's because individual will not be able to deal with them. Now when it opens up, it overwhelms, can lead to obsessive and excessive thoughts, most times negative, psychotic thoughts disconnected from reality, hallucinations, unsocial thoughts etc. Weed creates mental dependence. So a level of awareness is required in the user to escape its clutches. Weed users need long time support to fill and heal their emotional void.

Addiction and Substance abuse... Counselling session and therapy Helps.. Contact us at 9872880634 The apparent reason for starting is people around using it, so it becomes normal or even cool to do it. Underlying reason is emotional disturbance, many a times resulting from absent father figure. There's an emptiness or a void inside that every addict is trying to fill. If the void wasn't there, the urge to smoke will not arise. It works on the mind and the consciousness over a period of time. Imagine the conscious mind to be 10% of this big sphere we operate in, rest is unconscious or subconscious, which are deep buried memories, thoughts, feelings. If they were buried, it's because individual will not be able to deal with them. Now when it opens up, it overwhelms, can lead to obsessive and excessive thoughts, most times negative, psychotic thoughts disconnected from reality, hallucinations, unsocial thoughts etc. Weed creates mental dependence. So a level of awareness is required in the user to escape its clutches. Weed users need long time support to fill and heal their emotional void.

Wednesday 8 January 2020

Twelve Factors that Govern our Life

Twelve Factors that Govern our Life

We all are bound by the laws of nature. The super consciousness that binds whole universe exhibits its power of existence everywhere. The consciousness of energy & vibrations always remind us its laws which is equal for everyone, connecting us with the consciousness of oneness, taking us from the world of dualism to the world of unification.

The twelve factors or laws of nature, consciously or unconsciously are practiced by everyone and these are the powerful tools which can either make & free us from all worldly illusions through the path of salvation and enlightenment; or it can break us by capturing our consciousness in its vicious cycle of cause and effect.

One can knowingly use these factors to attract abundance and Divine love in their life and can also choose the divine path of enlightenment and be free from the illusion of duality or one can say “MAYA”.

These 12 factors which govern life are also described as laws of karmas. Let’s see what these 12 factors are:

1 Cause and Effect:

Every cause has its effect & every effect has its cause. The consciousness of universe works on the invisible waves of energy & vibrations. Whatever energy & vibrations we send to the universe, the same consciousness of energy comes back to us. If one seeks love, peace & happiness in life, then one must tune his/her frequency to these energies. We receive what we give to the universe. 

Consciously using cause and effect factor, one can make his/her life full of abundance, love, peace & happiness. Just give what you want in your life.

2 Creation 

Universe wants our participation to grow in life. Nothing happens just sitting ideally. Whatever we get in our surroundings is our own creation in our inner state of mind.

Carefully designing the creation of our outer world and working on that, helps us in achieving whatever we wish in our life.

3 Humility 

If we focus on or see others with some negative character traits, it means we are focused on that negative energy despite being focused on a higher level of consciousness. Whatever we refuse to accept, that comes to us.

Accepting everyone & focusing on higher state of consciousness, the negative traits will never bother us.

4 Growth

The growth must be from inside. We cannot change people, places or things surrounding us, but we can change ourselves. 

When growth occurs from inside, universe accepts that and changes occurs in surroundings. 

5 Responsibility

We are responsible for everything, what we have in our life whether positive or negative. The world is the mirror of our inner self. So, we are responsible.

By taking responsibility what is in our life, we can change it in a way we like to have our life.


Universe is beyond the perception of dualism. Everything & every incident are connected to each other. Past, present, future everything is connected.

For job to be done, every step must be taken. Every step is important to accomplish the task.

7 Focus 

Focus is a very essential factor governing our life. Energy must be focused on a single task at a time. Focusing on different things at the same time scatters our energy and none of the dreams comes true. 

8 Giving and hospitality

Whatever energy we put into the universe, that comes back to us. By practicing giving & hospitality one can attract those things in own life.

9  Here and now

Everything is here & now. Whatever one want in life must be felt in ‘here & now’ and that is in present tense. Looking backward take us to the past which prevent us from growth and forward in future, the things remains in future only. Whatever we want must be focused with energy, as if it was already yours. It helps in materializing the things soon. This is the power of here and now.

10 Change

Change is the path to grow. It takes great effort to change as it brings us out from our comfort zone. If we don’t accept change, we commit the same mistake again and again. 

11 Patience and reward

Everything takes its own time to materialize. Along with great effort, patience is also required to see the things materializing. 

The true happiness comes as a reward which requires lots of patience and persistence along with hard work. 

12 Significance and inspiration 
One gets job done & accomplished something, if one puts in all effort in the form of energy & intent into it. Contributing to something inspires us from within and others too.

Sunday 5 January 2020


What is Reiki ?
How Reiki works ?
Reiki uses

REIKI Defined...

Reiki is an energy healing. Not only on the physical level but also on the emotional and mental level before any illness has surfaced in the physical body.

Emotional upset and mental stress will with time surface and manifest itself as physical imbalances, attitudes and destructive habits.


Rei = Universal
Ki = Life Force Energy

How Reiki Works...

Inside every human being there is a subtle system of channels (nadis/meridians) and centres of energy (chakras) which look after our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being.

·         Reiki flows through this system
·         Ida/Pingla/Sushumna are main Nadis for flow of Reiki
·         All beings are given a spark of Ki at birth, which is stored in them for life
·         This Ki energy has its own force field, known as Aura, which has colors.
·         Along spine there are seven energy transformers in form of vortices known as Chakra
·         Flow of Reiki removes blocks and balances Chakras and increases Ki.

When the physical body is charged with Reiki, the aura from the ethereal body surrounds the physical body like a protective layer, about 5 cm (2 Inches) thick. This ethereal aura protects us from negative vibrations and it radiates vital energy to our surroundings. However, negative thoughts and emotions as well as an unhealthy lifestyle leads to a weakening of this health aura. This aura can be documented on photographic paper with Kirlian photography.

Reiki Uses:

·                     Reiki your SELF daily and rid yourself of stress, anxiety and fear.
·                     Reiki your medicine whether allopathic or herbal.
·                     Reiki your family member.
·                     Send Reiki to your kith and kin living far away.
·                     Send Reiki to your future.
·                     Send Reiki to your past.
·                     Send Reiki to your Dream.

Dr.Vandana Singh Raghuvanshi
M.B.B.S., M.S.(Surgery), REIKI Grandmaster

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Fusion of potential and kinetic energies - The meeting of Shiva and Shakti

Fusion of potential and kinetic energies - The meeting of Shiva and Shakti

Chakras are centres of energy located along the spine. The prana flows from the tailbone to the crown of head. Observe silence that goes beyond words and wordlessness. Trigger off the coiled energy lying dormant at Muladhara or the root chakra Clear the mind of the negative thoughts to enhance awareness, keep mind stable and visualise the light of wisdom opening the window of possibilities. Feel any of your feeling of love, affection, anger, hatred or fear to rediscover your heart and optimize self confidence, boost creativity and imagination. Leave perception of individual self, visualise the sun, moon, stars and planets as part of self to experience oneness with the Supreme Being.  Prana, the dynamic life force, shall restore balance between body, mind and spirit.