Saturday 15 August 2015


Soft Heart – a place to regenerate and find renewed balance
Let’s face it, nobody feels great, or even good, all the time. How you feel can shift frequently during a day, week or month. Mood swings are commonplace as life becomes more complex, overstimulating & uncertain.
Shifts in feelings & mood can be exhausting & confusing unless you have emotion regulation tools to use. When you learn to go to your Soft Heart, you’ll find an easygoing, warm place of compassion for yourself. It’s not a mushy or self-pitying place. It’s a place of ease & self-care.

A useful metaphor for Soft Heart is a warm, calming bath. Imagine yourself soaking in this bath in your heart, easing away tension & anxiety little by little.
*Your first step, before entering the "soak," is to recognize that you’re feeling disturbed, overwhelmed or depressed.
*Remember, it’s not the issues that cause your low-ebb feelings as much as the significance you’re giving them.
*Now, find your Soft Heart attitude by feeling love, care or appreciation for a person, pet or something you really care about. This helps you get into a soft place in your heart & increases your effectiveness when feeling care & compassion for yourself.
*Soak & relax any unwanted feelings in the compassion of the heart, letting the significance dissolve a little at a time. Take your time doing this.
*Keeping your attention in a Soft Heart can allow more coherent heart rhythms to emerge, helping you recoup mental, emotional & physical vitality.
*Respect the fact that you are human, living in challenging times. Allow yourself to ease & rest in the comfort of your Soft Heart to recoup energy.
As you move in slower motion for a while, you’ll find that your emotional energy delicately recharges & your vitality & heart buoyancy eventually will return.

Sunday 9 August 2015


The sense of feeling bored in life can be an indicator that we need to be proactive in creating change.

Sometimes we feel that things aren’t moving along fast enough for us & that the world is passing us by. It may be that time seems to stand still & that we are simply bystanders in our own lives. Other times it might appear that there is nothing new left for us to experience & that we are locked into a never-ending cycle of static state. If we take the time to listen to these feelings we will notice that there is probably more going on beneath the surface, like our apprehension to venture out into the unknown. By taking a new look at how we live our lives, however, it will be easier to break through our sense of boredom & enter into a more positive state of being.

When life seems monotonous, it is usually an indication that there is something we need to change. Boredom can easily lead us down the path to despondency. Acknowledging our feelings & then setting the intention to alter just one small thing in our life can give us a much more affirmative outlook. This act of change allows us to step outside of ourselves & discover new & exciting things that are often already present in our everyday lives. Simple things such as eating a healthier diet, taking a new class, or joining a club are all ways in which we can go beyond our comfort zone & explore the wonders that exist all around us. Keep in mind that the moment we do something different from our usual routine, the more fresh energy, hope &blessings we will manifest in our life. What this means is that we’ll no longer see things as being tedious but will instead realize the preciousness of everything.

Being able to integrate these subtle changes on a daily basis allows us to recognize the miracles that are our lives. Even though we may think of change as doing something life-altering or drastic, gentle transitions from our habitual ways of doing things & an appreciation of all life offers us will truly bring about positive & lasting transformation.