Wednesday 30 October 2013

Learn Reiki in Patiala....09872880634

Daily Reiki healing course classes in Patiala, India...09872880634

Reiki Healer Course:
Reiki Level I- ( Hands on Healing)
1)  Aura Scanning:
(a) Self
(b) Others
(c) Home/ Office
(d) Distance
2) Aura Cleansing & Balancing For:
(a) Self
(b) Others
(c) Home/ Office
3) Disposal of dirty energy
4) Whole body Reiki healing
5) Healing for non living things,  Home/ Office.
6) Chakra Cleansing & Healing.

Reiki Level II : Distance Healing
1) Attunement  For Symbols:
(a)  To create Energy.
(b) To balance/ Harmony
(c) To Connect from Distance.
2) Wish box healing
3) Goal achivement healing
4) Healing to your near & dear one if they are in other city.
5) Uses of quartz for self healing
6) Angelic blessing for wish box
7) Reiki symbol Meditation
8 ) Healing for bringing positive energy in home/ office
9) Reiki healing for pets.
10) How to attack abundance with Reiki.

Reiki Level III Degree  ( Master Healer Course) :

10) Highest symbol attunement .

2) Some special symbols

3) Reiki Surgery

4) Quartz Healing

5) Psychic Attack

6) Grid Healing

7) Self Protection Techniques

8 ) Reiki Meditation with highest Symbol with whole family.

9) Advance tech distance healing.

10) Chakra Healing in Detail.

Reiki Mastership:

How to do Attunement.
Special symbols.
Self protection
Higher Meditation
Soul journey enhancement

Reiki GrandMastership:

1) Special Symbols

2) More Knowledge on chakra healing

3) Special healing techniques

4) Uses of color Therapy.
5)Chakras all and all...
6) Gift
*Crystal ball gazing
*Magnified healing
*Karuna reiki

Tuesday 29 October 2013




Sunday 27 October 2013

World class course of Power of Sub conscious Mind in Patiala, Punjab, international trainer by dr.vandana raghuvanshi

World Class Course of Power of sub conscious Mind.. .in Patiala , India @ International Trainer..dr.vandana raghuvanshi

When wishing for something , know what you want without a doubt and leave the rest to the Universe!!! Its important you are very sure of what you want and that is when you would get it.You are confused the Divine does not, so it would only help you when you precisely and confidently know what you want...To know how to do it perfectly, Learn the power of sub-conscious -mind .Wish for what you want and let abundance flow into your life!!! It is very easy to learn.
contact at

Friday 25 October 2013

World class course for ...Power of subconcious mind in Patiala, India

World Class Course of Power of Sub conscious -mind ...To attract Abundance and remove Money Energy Healing Guidance, in Patiala, India... by Trainer dr.vandana raghuvanshi....

Power of your sub-conscious mind is a power of  ....Law of attraction . It works on the principle of positive energy , once you create a positive thought , it creates positive energy and this positive energy is then responded to, by the Universe .You can use power of sub conscious mind  to help yourself achieve your Goals, help your loved ones ....This is the law of possibilities, the law of self Empowerment, you would learn to manifest and achieve your Goals.Amazing power , easy to use in day to day life .
dr.vandana raghuvanshi
Trainer of  Power of Subconscious Mind

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Reiki Healing In Patiala, India

World Class Energy Healing IN Patiala, India......09872880634

 Energy Energy means life force energy or cosmic energy universal energy.. Energy has many forms...e-motion [[emotion] , vibrations, physical, mental, thoughts .... However, body needs some food energy to survive and we get it in form of meal made of different types of eatables our emotional body also needs energy in form of our thoughts. A healthy emotional body takes it in the form of emotional thoughts. Mind  gives the directions to our body to "feel" or "seem". It is known as our consciousness & sub consciousness.
The word HEALING comes from the word, Hale, i.e., whole. The process of healing makes you feel one with that which is whole and complete. Healing is one’s right and is available in abundance in Universe .Energy Healing is a healing with help of all five elements, all chakra colors and cosmic energy
Other things regarding energy healing.....
Everything at its root is an energy field and that illness and disease can be traced to an unhealthy energy field.
In energy healing you  can change the unhealthy field to a healthy one, the illness or disease would go away without drugs, surgery, counselling, or exercise.
Many ways to change "unhealthy, used up, dirty, negative energeies  to "healthy , positive, healing , fresh energy had already been discovered and validated; These can be very  powerful and  had a healing effect on human DNA.
 Body &the universe are the most perfect healing  and in harmony - once  we allow them to work properly.
Eliminates the root cause of any health problem, whether it is
Physical, Emotional or Mental ...
According to our traditional Vedas and other Ancient books a small universe exists in our body. Now it is going to explain that our body is made of five major elements. On the other hand universe is also contains five same elements, these are earth, air, water, fire and ether so if one of these is missing all system will be disturb. All living things absorb Prana, ki or energy from the atmosphere but atmosphere has all type of energy, negative, positive, evil or divine etc. Through learning Energy healing course you get the techniques to purify the atmosphere where you live and can get good & pure health. Universe provides equal everything to everyone.

We all are connected with universe. In etheric world we see the auras of every object non living and living. We all are part of universe but however we cannot say tree to leaves and flowers but still they are part of the tree. So we are the planets but not whole universe. In addition, a colorless liquid has been spread over the space which through we are connected and everything is planned. Our deeds, our thoughts our karmas are based on what we have done in our past. With learning energy healing you can clean your karmic path by healing yourself with cosmic energy.

Sunday 20 October 2013

World CLass Healing Courses IN Patiala, India, World

World Class Healing Courses in Patiala....

Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi
Director Energy Healing Guidance
Surgeon, Past Life Regression & Hypnotherapist,
Reiki Grand Master & Pranic Healer.Trainer of Power of Subconcious Mind,Crystal ball gazer, EFT trainer, Spritiual healer, SRT specialist
·           Past life regression & hypnotherapy:
  Successfully doing past life regression, children’s past life sessions,
  past life therapy for phobia, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sadness unexplained
  physical health problems, relationship issues, spiritual advancement, guidance from    master.
  LBL (Life between Lives) session, age regression, anti natal (in womb) regression, cleansing of
  present physical body Aura and Chakra before regression, SRT (Spirit Releasement Therapy.
 As a spiritual healer she does healing work in Past Life Session for forgiveness and  
 disconnection of disharmony cords.
·         Reiki Teaching and Reiki Healing:Teaching Reiki Level 1,2,3rd degree (Karuna Reiki), Mastership, Grand mastership
magnified healing, Dowsing, EFT (Emotional Release Therapy), crystal ball gazing, Power of subconcious mind course 
·         Pranic Healing:Successfully doing Aura cleansing, chakra balancing, endocrine disorder healing example: PCOD, Infertility, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Asthma etc.

Friday 18 October 2013


Learn Magnified Healing in Patiala, India
with help of Lady master Kwan -Yin.....

Magnified Healing occurs through balancing the spiritual centers (the chakras). It fully integrates all modalities. From breath and sound to movement, the seeker is actively, consciously engaged in the process. The healer is merely a facilitator, allowing the participant to continue on the healing process without further assistance. (Unique to Magnified Healing are the release of Karma and preparation for Ascension.)
The Earth and all her inhabitants are being prepared for a major shift in consciousness. This shift is made possible by the grace of Ascended Masters and other Great Beings of the Inner Planes, who are giving us many special energies at this time of great Awakening. The several new healing modalities that are being reintroduced to humanity have to do with "vibrational medicine and science," and we will see more focus being drawn to color, sound, and light therapies, as well as sacred geometry.
Vibrational medicine will be the medicine of the future, for conventional medicine is losing its flair among the populace because certain remedies and drugs are no longer working. As our physical bodies continue to change to embrace the light, these remedies of a very dense vibration will no longer serve us. Vibrational medicine recognize the whole being of the individual, including the subtle bodies, which are very important in healing disease within all the bodies.
As Magnified Healing practitioner Jan Bennett has noted, "Many forms of healing are "healer focused." The seeker must go to a physician, priest, temple, shaman or other revered person or place to receive the healing. Generally these forms attempt to address the seeker's spiritual state to some degree as well . . . . [Other] modalities involve the seeker somewhat, and often focus on putting out, or releasing, that which troubles the seeker . . . . Still others attempt to empower seekers to heal themselves through their own sheer will. All of these have merit . . . . None, to date [however], has sought to engage the seeker to the depth that Magnified Healing does."
Magnified Healing was first introduced by a physical soul embodiment of Kwan Yin to Gisele King and Kathryn M. Anderson on August 12, 1983. At that time, it was practiced only in the higher dimensions by the Ascended Masters to assist each other, andunder special dispensation to assist the Earth and humanity.
The Lady Master Kwan Yin (or Kuan-Yin)

Wednesday 16 October 2013

"Healing Stones Chandigarh"..Offers best Diwali Gifts OF this ..09872880634

REIKI AND POSITIVE ENERGY GIFTS FOR DIWALI...Buy and gift your dear and near one, friends and family..good luck energy, positive energy , healing energy., happiness energy, love energy, protection energy........Buy from Healing Stones Chandigarh...we also send our articles via courier...address SCO 365, FF, SEC-44-D, CHANDIGARH...CALL...09872880634

Tuesday 15 October 2013

World Class Courses In Patiala, India.....09872880634

World Class Healing and Power of Subconcious Mind  Courses In India....09872880634

* Reiki...... Level One / First Degree
* Reiki........Level Two/ Second Degree
*Reiki........Third Degree/ Master Healer Course
Grand Mastership
*Karuna Reiki........All the karuna reiki symbol attunment
*Grand Mastership
*Crystal Ball Gazing
*Chakra Healing
* Magnified Healing
* Activation of Third Eye
*Crystal Healing
*Learn Forgiveness
*Power of Sub- concious Mind

Monday 14 October 2013

Dowsing in Chadigarh...CONTACT...09872880634

Dowsing, in general terms, is the art of finding hidden things. Usually, this is accomplished with the aid of a dowsing stick, rods or a pendulum. Also known as divining, water finding.
 Dowsing is an ancient practice whose origins are lost in long-forgotten history. However, it is thought to date back at least 8,000 years. Wall murals, estimated to be about 8,000 years old, discovered in the Tassili Caves of North Africa depict tribesmen surrounding a man with a forked stick, possibly dowsing for water.
Artwork from ancient China and Egypt seem to show people using forked tools in what might have been dowsing activities. Dowsing may have been mentioned in the Bible, although not by name, when Moses and Aaron used a "rod" to locate water. The first unambiguous written accounts of dowsing come from the Middle Ages when dowsers in Europe used it to help find coal deposits. 
In morden time, dowsing is used for finding answers for day to day life issues. Its tool which helps you to remove confusion. You do not need to go to tarrot reader or astrologer. you can find answers by yourself.

Dowsing is very easy to learn. Its one day course from 10 am -5 pm.Any one learn it. Age no bar.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Reiki healing in Chandigarh.....

Reiki (霊気?/ˈrk/) is a spiritual practice[1] developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui, which has since been adapted by various teachers of varying traditions. It uses a technique commonly called palm healing or hands-on-healing as a form of alternative medicine and is sometimes classified as oriental medicine by some professional medical bodies.[2] Through the use of this technique, practitioners believe that they are transferring universal energy (i.e., reiki) in the form of qi (Japanese: ki) through the palms, which they believe allows for self-healing and a state ofequilibrium.[3]
There are two main branches of Reiki, commonly referred to as Traditional Japanese Reiki and Western Reiki. Though differences can be wide and varied between both branches and traditions, the primary difference is that the Westernised forms use systematised hand-placements rather than relying on an intuitive sense of hand-positions (see below), which is commonly used by Japanese Reiki branches. Both branches commonly have a three-tiered hierarchy of degrees, usually referred to as the First, Second, and Master/Teacher level, all of which are associated with different skills and techniques.
The concept of ki underlying Reiki is speculative and there is no scientific evidence that it exists; a 2008 systematic review of randomised clinical trialsconcluded that "the evidence is insufficient to suggest that reiki is an effective treatment for any condition. Therefore the value of reiki remains unproven."[4]The American Cancer Society,[5] Cancer Research UK,[6] and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine[7] have also found that there is no clinical or scientific evidence supporting claims that Reiki is effective in the treatment of any illness.

learn crystal ball gazing in Panchkula, Mohali, Chandigarh in India

We should select our crystal with great care; the more perfect its quality, the
more we should desire it as the means of our development. It should be neither too
large, nor too small, and here our natural intuition should be allowed to guide us,but  the Sphere be less than two and one-half inches in diameter, and it is not necessary that it be more than four. We should choose this
crystal, lovingly; at least, if a selection is presented to us we should
take the one to which, after a moment of silent consideration, we feel most attracted;
and this -- if possible -- regardless of the material consideration of its cost.....

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Reiki Courses classes in Panchkula...

Reiki is taught in five levels -
  1st2nd3rd and Mastership, grand mastership
. Each level must be completed before training on the next level can begin.
Reiki training is suitable for both those who wish to use it only for friends and family and for those who wish to work professionally as a healer. For those who wish to take the professional route , third degree and karuna reiki  Training is the best option.
All students will be able to trace their lineage back through to Mikao Usui, the founder of the Reiki system , as reiki is the healing system in which student gets attunment from reiki teacher

Saturday 5 October 2013

Dowsing Classes in Chandigarh, India

Dowsing has been around for many many years as a technique to find lost items, it was also used to locate water bodies below the earth, diamond, gold etc... Dowsing is largely used by healers across the world to enhance the healing effect and accelerate the healing process...It is a very effective tool 

Friday 4 October 2013

Reiki grand master in Chandigarh, India

Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi
Director Energy Healing Guidance
Surgeon, Past Life Regression & Hypnotherapist,
Reiki Grand Master & Pranic Healer.
·           Past life regression & hypnotherapy:
  Successfully doing past life regression, children’s past life sessions,
  past life therapy for phobia, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sadness unexplained
  physical health problems, relationship issues, spiritual advancement, guidance from    master.
  LBL (Life between Lives) session, age regression, anti natal (in womb) regression, cleansing of
  present physical body Aura and Chakra before regression, SRT (Spirit Releasement Therapy.
 As a spiritual healer she does healing work in Past Life Session for forgiveness and  
 disconnection of disharmony cords.
·         Reiki Teaching and Reiki Healing:Teaching Reiki Level 1,2,3rd degree (Karuna Reiki), Mastership, Grand mastership
magnified healing, Dowsing, EFT (Emotional Release Therapy) , Crystal ball gazing, Power of subcomcious mind
·         Pranic Healing:Successfully doing Aura cleansing, chakra balancing, endocrine disorder healing example: PCOD, Infertility, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Asthma etc.


mooladhar(Root) chakra represents many core issues which are imp. for......
 your happiness in home and recognition at work.......
contact for
chakra healing with prana...