Saturday 28 September 2013


Magnified Healing......

Magnified Healing.....
This Method of healing became popular in 1983 , the name was chosen by Kwan Yin yet she emphasizes that she did not originate this healing.
This technique of healing is most used for self healing and is said by Kwan Yin to be a gift from God as it brings the energy from the Highest source.Kwan Yin is well known in China and is known as the Goddess of Merci , she is also the Mother of compassion. Her flower is the 5 petaled Lotus.Magnified healing includes sensitizing, awakening, rewiring the nervous system, healing the body and spine, healing the earth and healing the Karma.
It is one of the most effective self healing methods with instant results.


As we know everything in the Universe is about energy and like everything else Energy too follows the law of balance which is why both positive and negative energy are out there for us to attract and store in abundance.
For a healthy balanced life we need to ensure that we absorb and retain positive energy and get rid of negative energy .

There are many ways of improving ones energy levels and type however one very important part of every being's life is the emotional aspect of wellness. When we store too much  we block the positive energy from reaching us and the most strongest way of doing so is through creating  clutter.
There is nothing helpful nor healthy about clutter.  Clutter is restrictive and heavy.  It is well known for effecting one or many areas of our life – day in day out.
The burden of clutter becomes screamingly obvious when you physically sell, give away or throw it out.  You then realize just how emotionally or physically draining and life interfering all your clutter has been.

The flip side of course – clearing clutter is one of the greatest ways to boost your energy, get yourself out of a rut, feel lighter, improve your health, remove obstacles and create space for the new to arrive.  Clearing clutter is a proven therapy for creating change in your life.  Now is always the perfect time for a focused clutter busting session

Remember clutter is anything unwanted, unloved, broken, unused, doesn’t work, expired or doesn’t fit.  It is both healthy and helpful to regularly simplify your work and living space by clearing clutter 

Thursday 26 September 2013


The term crystal gazing denotes several different forms of a variety of objects, and there are several schools of thought as to the sources of the visions seen in the crystal gazing trance. Crystal gazing may be used by practitioners—sometimes called "readers" or "seers"—for a variety of purposes, including to predict distant or future events, to give character analyses, totell fortunes, or to help a client make choices about current situations and problems.
With respect to the tool or object used to induce the crystal-gazer's trance, this can be achieved with any shiny object, including a crystalline gem stone or a convex mirror— but in common practice, a crystal ball is most often used. The size of ball preferred varies greatly among those who practice crystallomancy. Some gazers use a "palm ball" of a few inches in diameter that is held in the hand; others prefer a larger ball mounted on a stand. The stereotypical image of a gypsywoman wearing a headscarf and telling fortunes for her clients by means of a very large crystal ball is widely depicted in themedia and can be found in hundreds of popular books, advertising pages, and films of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. The pervasiveness of this image may have led to the increased use of fairly large crystal balls by those who can afford them.
Books of instruction in the art of crystal gazing often suggest that the ball used should be perfectly spherical (that is, without a flat bottom) and should be supported in a wooden or metal stand. If made of glass (e.g. lead crystal), it should be free from air bubbles but may be colored. If carved from natural crystalline stone (such as quartzberylcalciteobsidian, oramethyst), it may display the natural coloring and structure of the mineral from which it was fashioned. Some authors advise students to place a sigil, seal, or talismanic emblem beneath a clear sphere, but most do not. Most authors suggest that the work of crystal gazing should be undertaken in a dimly-lit and quiet room, so as to foster visions and more easily allow the onset of a trance state.[citation needed]
Some practitioners claim that crystal gazing engendersvisionary experiences and preternatural and/or supernaturalinsight, while others think that the visions arise from thesubconscious mind of the crystal gazer. Some authors accept both positions as not mutually incompatible

Wednesday 25 September 2013


PRANIC HEALERS IN CHANDIGARH, INDIA....dr.vandana raghuvanshi, a pranic healer, who take pranic healing sessions on skype 09872880634 light.divine1

Mantra Of Compassion ....Om Mani Padme Hum...

Om Mani Padme Hum is the mantra of Compassion. The repetition of this mantra results in the bringing down of blessings and divine energy from the Buddha of Mercy and Compassion to the person reciting it. The divine energy from Buddha Kwan Yin enters into the crown, then to the body and radiates outward. Chanting Om Mani Padme Hum has purifying and healing effects, not only on the person chanting it, but also on people and sentient beings within a certain radius. All higher, ordinary, and lower sentient beings within a certain range will be, to a certain degree, purified, healed and soothed of their discomfort, pain and suffering. The person reciting it and other people and sentient beings around him will experience calmness and inner peace. Om Mani Padme Hum is indeed a mantra of mercy and compassion ~~ MCKS

Tuesday 24 September 2013


Reiki Healing:
Reiki is an Energy HEALING. Dr. Usui, from Japan introduced reiki healing.
How  Reiki Works ?
Reiki flow through a subtle system in human being, known as Meridians  (Nadi)
And  Chakras (Energy  centre).Reiki  flows and increases human biomagemtic (Aura).
Who can learn Reiki?
Reiki  learning is not dependent  on intellectual  capacity , education, age. Every onecan learn Reiki.
Why to learn Reiki?
To be with  life  force  energy.
To be  guided  by  universal life force energy.
To be protected by positive energy.
*For  self  healing.
*To heal your family.
*to heal elderly for health , in your family.
*To heal your near / dear  living away.
*To heal stranger in accident.
*Send reiki to future.
*To your bank account.
*To  fulfill  your wishes.
*For goal achievement.
*Finding lost wallet.
*To computer, vehicle, home, office, pets ,plants, food, water.
*T o charge medicine , jewllery  with good energy.
*To your job interview, exams.
*To bring harmony in home and work place.
*To clean , heal protect  your body and mind.
*For  financial  successes.
*To  creat  good / bright future.
*To get   abundance from universe.
*To live happy and  healthy  forever.
  Healing For:
  Endocrime Disorder
Hypothyroid Disorder
Migraine/ Headache
Liver Diseases

Reiki Charged quartz to keep in home and office for positive energy & protection.
Reiki changed things to wear for positive energy & protection
EFT/ERT (Emotional Release therapy)
To Remove Emotional clutter from mind

Monday 23 September 2013

REIKI HEALING AND REIKI TEACHING IN PATIALA...KNOW MORE ABOUT CHAKRAS.....dr.vandana raghuvanshi, reiki healer in Patiala 09872880634


Basic or Root Chakra: Its colour is red and it govern the basic survival qualities such as sleep, Appetite, pleasure, stability , courage & security.This Chakra is placed at the base of the spine.

Sacral or Sex Chakra: Its Colour is Orange and it governs re productivity and organs related to that, it also relates to expression & Sexuality.It is placed just below the naval.

Solar Plexes Chakra:Its colour is yellow< it is our emotional heart, It governs the personal power, self worth, digestion system, Emotions, Goals & collective love, Its placed above the naval.

Heart Chakra: Its colour is green and it governs the Universal Love. 

Throat Chakra : Its colour is Blue and it governs creativity, creative expressions, communication & It is highly active in case of clairvoyance people, its placed in the neck area where the thyroid gland is.

Third eye Chakra: The Colour is Indigo Blue, It governs will power, intuition, Vision and true self, its placed between the eyebrows and just about where Indian women wear their Bindi.

Crown Chakra: Its colour is violet, It governs self actualization to self realization, its the openning of our connection to spirituality.
dr.vandana raghuvanshi is( Reiki Grandmaster, Magnified Healer, Pranic Healer, EFT/TFT & dowsing Healer, Crystal Healer, past life regression therapist and hypnotherapist, spiritual healer.

Saturday 14 September 2013

LEARN KARUNA REIKI IN PATIALA, PUNJAB....BY..dr.vandana raghuvanshi...09872880634

All reiki grand master learn karuna reiki.Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism. Healing  that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as "compassionate action." When individuals experience enlightenment,  it is natural to extend compassionate action or Karuna to everyone without distinction because we are all one. As we help others and aid them in their healing process, all beings benefit. Because of the oneness of all beings, it is understood that Karuna is not only extended to others out of love, but also because it is an entirely logical thing to do. In the same way that you would want to heal your own wounds, you would also want the wounds of others to heal. It is also stated in the Buddhist literature that Karuna must be accompanied by parjna or wisdom in order to have the right effect .karuna reiki symbols are very effective.Beacuse we all know thatKaruna is the motivating quality of all enlightened beings who are working to end suffering on Earth. They continually send an unlimited amount of healing energy and guidance to us.
. As you develop Karuna in yourself, not only are you helping others, but you also become more receptive to the Karuna that is being sent by all enlightened beings.
 Thus your healing is quickened as well.
Karuna reiki symbols  opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings.Very easy to draw ans use in healing.

Friday 13 September 2013


Reiki Healing:
Reiki is an Energy HEALING. Dr. Usui, from Japan introduced reiki healing.
How  Reiki Works ?
Reiki flow through a subtle system in human being, known as Meridians  (Nadi)
And  Chakras (Energy  centre).Reiki  flows and increases human biomagemtic (Aura).
Who can learn Reiki?
Reiki  learning is not dependent  on intellectual  capacity , education, age. Every onecan learn Reiki.
Why to learn Reiki?
To be with  life  force  energy.
To be  guided  by  universal life force energy.
To be protected by positive energy.
*For  self  healing.
*To heal your family.
*to heal elderly for health , in your family.
*To heal your near / dear  living away.
*To heal stranger in accident.
*Send reiki to future.
*To your bank account.
*To  fulfill  your wishes.
*For goal achievement.
*Finding lost wallet.
*To computer, vehicle, home, office, pets ,plants, food, water.
*T o charge medicine , jewllery  with good energy.
*To your job interview, exams.
*To bring harmony in home and work place.
*To clean , heal protect  your body and mind.
*For  financial  successes.
*To creates  good / bright future.
*To get   abundance from universe.
*To live happy and  healthy  forever.

 Take  Healing Sessions ...
  Endocrime Disorder
Hypothyroid Disorder
Migraine/ Headache
Liver Diseases

Crystal Healing/ Quartz Healing :

Reiki Charged quartz to keep in home and office for positive energy & protection.
Reiki charged things to wear for positive energy & protection
 To remove stress from life...
To Remove Emotional clutter from mind


Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Zodiac Symbol: Two Fishes
Ruling Planet: Neptune & Jupiter
Element: Water
Best Compatibility: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius
Color: Sea-green, Lavender
Day: Friday
Metal: Platinum
Lucky Numbers: 2, 6
Pisces positive traits: Imaginative, kindhearted, self-sacrificing, intuitive
Pisces traits: Escapist, reserved, vague, weak

Zodiac Stones: Moonstone, Amethyst, Bloodstone, Calcite, Labradorite, Sunstone

Thursday 12 September 2013

learn crystal ball gazing in dr.vandana raghuvanshi...09872880634

The term crystal gazing denotes several different forms of a variety of objects, and there are several schools of thought as to the sources of the visions seen in the crystal gazing trance. Crystal gazing may be used by practitioners—sometimes called "readers" or "seers"—for a variety of purposes, including to predict distant or future events, to give character analyses, totell fortunes, or to help a client make choices about current situations and problems.
With respect to the tool or object used to induce the crystal-gazer's trance, this can be achieved with any shiny object, including a crystalline gem stone or a convex mirror— but in common practice, a crystal ball is most often used. The size of ball preferred varies greatly among those who practice crystallomancy. Some gazers use a "palm ball" of a few inches in diameter that is held in the hand; others prefer a larger ball mounted on a stand. The stereotypical image of a gypsywoman wearing a headscarf and telling fortunes for her clients by means of a very large crystal ball is widely depicted in themedia and can be found in hundreds of popular books, advertising pages, and films of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. The pervasiveness of this image may have led to the increased use of fairly large crystal balls by those who can afford them.
Books of instruction in the art of crystal gazing often suggest that the ball used should be perfectly spherical (that is, without a flat bottom) and should be supported in a wooden or metal stand. If made of glass (e.g. lead crystal), it should be free from air bubbles but may be colored. If carved from natural crystalline stone (such as quartzberylcalciteobsidian, oramethyst), it may display the natural coloring and structure of the mineral from which it was fashioned. Some authors advise students to place a sigil, seal, or talismanic emblem beneath a clear sphere, but most do not. Most authors suggest that the work of crystal gazing should be undertaken in a dimly-lit and quiet room, so as to foster visions and more easily allow the onset of a trance state.[citation needed]
Some practitioners claim that crystal gazing engendersvisionary experiences and preternatural and/or supernaturalinsight, while others think that the visions arise from thesubconscious mind of the crystal gazer. Some authors accept both positions as not mutually incompatible

Wednesday 11 September 2013

EVERY SUNDAY LEARN A POWERFUL ...MAGNIFIED HEALING IN CHANDIGARH..AT MAGNIFIED HEALING CENTRE...09872880634 mankind has the chance to enter into the consciousness of creation. As Planet Earth undergoes change into a corpus of Light, the needs of humanity change into vibratory dimensions of a higher order. Accomplishing the task of ascending into Oneness demands that we ought to mend ourselves at each level: physical, emotional, mental, ethereal and spiritual. Earth was acquainted with an ancient healing method in 1983. Earlier, such healing was possible only in the superior dimensions by Ascended Masters for their own assistance, besides the Masters on earth, and the humans, under an extraordinary divine privilege. In 1992, with the direct involvement and motivation by Lady Master “Kwan Yin” full name Kwan She Yin Po Sa, attained its expanded structure for the spiritual progress of human kind and the Earth. Magnified Healing demonstrates a steady flow of energy from one’s heart to the Source, the All That Is, the Infinite Mind, through all of the Spiritual Centers, down to the Diamond at the Center of the Earth. The link becomes twisted and causes a state of grace to pulsate and push forward from the Source, establishing the very basis for the process of Ascension. "Majority of healing forms are "healer focused", which means the seeker has to visit a physician, priest, temple, shaman or any other place to get healed".* In a number of vibrational healing methods, the healing is focused on and channelized through the healer. In Magnified Healing, the practitioner produces the energy with GOD MOST HIGH OF THE UNIVERSE and turns into a Magnified Healer.


healing cystals.....
mendelian ducks
chakra activators
angels in all forms
gurdian angles..
pendulum douser/dowser
good luck plants..
good luck wind chimes...

protection by healing crystals..
to keep in purse charged crystals...
healing wrist bands..
wish boxes..
good luck angels...

Tuesday 10 September 2013


Attracting Positive Energy to Your Life...Simple steps to clean and balance your aura & your surrounding and attract positive energy!

1. Stop eating anger food:
Deep fried, fatty, oily, heavily processed food puts stress on your liver, and the liver in Chinese Medicine is the organ that houses anger.

2. Eat food that smiles:
If fruit and vegetables could smile, I’m guessing organic and farmers market produce would all be smiling.
Dead, tinned and over processed food does not smile.

3. Hang out with friends that grow your positivity:
Its worth taking note which of your friends leave you feeling inspired and energized or drained and depleted (most of the time). As we usually have such an emotional connection to our friends they can greatly alter our own personal energy well-being.

4.Marinate for a day in positive energy:
From this day forward treat yourself to one whole day (once a month is a good start) that is filled with nothing but positive energy experiences to restore your energy well-being.  Treat yourself to simple pleasures, that bring a smile to your face and joy to your heart. Hang out with friends that make you laugh, books that inspire you, cafes that make the best coffees in the world and eat lots of yummy healthy food.
Avoid TV, newspapers, hectic places, junk food, trashy magazines, conflict and friends who gossip.  Turn yourself off from technology for one day.

5. Smell your way to positivity:
Aromatherapy can uplift the energy in a room and/or trigger positive thoughts and feelings.  A few quick dabs onto your wrist, or into an oil burner with one or more of your favourite essential oils, can boost your mood and uplift your spirits.

6. Colour therapy:
Research continually points to bright colours  being a mood enhancer, and having a positive influence on your day. Red will give you a boost of energy and stimulate your immune system.  Blue is tranquil and peaceful.  Yellow lifts your spirits and offers you a positive feeling....

Spend time alone.
Being still and resting in silence is one of the most healing and restorative practices you can do.  All ancient cultures value silence, stillness and the breath as a way of cultivating positive energy.

8. Read your way to positivity:
Let your eyes and mind feast on words that inspire and uplift your thoughts.  Stay clear of toxic words and stories in newspaper, gossip magazines and the likes.

9. Start your day with a smiling meditation:
Balinese Hindu priests use smiling as a healing tool.  They believe it dissolves “bad” energy and I believe them. 

Before getting out of bed, smile in to your face, smile deeply into your thoughts, smile into your eyes, smile into your ears, smile into your heart, smile into your lungs, smile into your kidneys and smile into your liver.
Smiling and breathing into your lungs dissolves sadness, into your kidneys dissolves fear and into your liver dissolves anger.

10.Cleanse your home:
To attract more positive energy into your home, you need to remove old stale unwanted energies that may be lingering in your atmosphere.

11.Brighten your mind:
Your thoughts will either bring you closer to attracting more positive energy or take you further away.
Do your best to catch dull thinking, and replace immediately with your own uplifting mantra.  One of my personal favourites at the moment is Every cell in my body is loved and healthy”or “I trust”.

12. Add positive healing sounds to your environment:

The most healing sounds of all, are those from nature.  The next best thing are sacred sounds, chants, mantras or classical music.  It has been proven scientifically by Dr Emoto that listening to Blue Danube will soothe an agitated nervous system.

13. Yogic cleansing bath:
Cleanse negativity from your aura and removes chemicals from your physical body.  I personally have not done this one but a few of my friends have, and they all rave about how awesome it is.
It is suggested that you soak for 20 minutes each day for 7 days.  If you start to feel dizzy or weird leave bath immediately, as you have successfully loosened and removed some negativity from your physical and energetic bodies.

  • 1 lb Baking soda
  • 1 cup Sea salt
14. Mindful breathing:
One of the simplest ways to infuse your body with positive energy is via belly breathing.  Deep inhales and exhales remove toxins, oxygenate your body and calm your nervous system.  A few minutes every hour is a wonderful positive energy habit to add to your daily life..